Unify and manage your data

Reltio DTSS navigation

Learn how to find your way around with Reltio DTSS.

After your Customer Tenant has been subscribed to a Data Tenant, the data tenant becomes available on the Search page under the Tenants section.

You can view the data in the data tenant by selecting the data tenant for which you want to see the data. From the Data Tenant, you can import the data into your Customer Tenant to enhance the profiles in your customer tenant.
Note: The data in a data tenant cannot be exported from the tenant. It can only be subscribed and imported by the customer tenant.

Select the customer tenant again, if you wish to see the potential matches with the records in the data tenant, select the Potential Matches facet. The Potential Matches tab shows the records side-by-side from different sources so you can choose whether to Merge or set as Not a match. You can check the source of the potential matches and also the match rules that led them to being reported as potential matches.

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