Reltio integration for Alation set up
Learn how to get going with Reltio integration for Alation.
Let's get you going with Reltio integration for Alation.
Reltio integration for Alation process overview
The Reltio Integration for Alation facilitates seamless data unification and transfer between Reltio and Alation using the Reltio Integration Hub (RIH). It includes robust object mapping, metadata synchronization, and recipe configurations to enable efficient data management across platforms, ensuring alignment with specific business requirements and user roles.
Prerequisites for the Reltio integration for Alation
You need to have Reltio Integration Hub (RIH) and Alation connector licenses in your Reltio contract, the Alation connector recipes and connections will be deployed to your tenant's RIH instance.
Configure Reltio Integration Hub recipes
The package is deployed in the Reltio Solution Templates project in your RIH account. The recipes' package contains a '_connections' folder with the connection functions, and a '_recipes' folder with the recipe functions.