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GET Configuration

Returns the configuration for a tenant.

This operation returns a configuration for a tenant.


GET {TenantURL}/configuration


PathTenantURL Yes Defines tenant that should be used to return configuration
Query select No Identifies what elements of configuration should be returned. It is possible to return: justentityTypes, groupTypes, relationTypes, etc.


If there is a configuration defined for a tenant specified in Header of a request, then a JSON Object representing this configuration is returned. If there is no configuration, an Error is returned.

Tenant '{0}' not defined in a system
Failed to process Reltio Business Model JSON loaded from Reltio data storage

Example Request

GET {TenantURL}/configuration

Example Response

GET {TenantURL}/configuration Body:{ "label":"Test Business Model", "description":"Test Business Model Configuration-used to describe Configuration API format", "schemaVersion":"1", "entityTypes":[ { "URI":"configuration/entityTypes/Individual", "label":"Individual", "name":"Individual", "id":"1", "description":"These entity types for representing people", "attributes":[ { "URI":"configuration/entityTypes/Individual/attributes/FirstName", "name":"FirstName", "label":"First Name", "id":"2", "type":"String" } ] } ] }
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