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Attribute ordering strategy

A sorting strategy for an attribute used to visually sort multiple instances of a nested or reference attribute.

Attribute Ordering is a sorting strategy for an attribute and is used to visually sort multiple instances of a nested or reference attribute. Attribute ordering strategy is defined in the Attributes configuration. All supported options are listed in the table below.

Table 1. Attribute Ordering Strategy
StrategyDescriptionAttribute Configuration Examples
LUDLast Update Date strategy. The most recently updated attribute values will have the highest sort priority. By default, all attribute values are ordered by this strategy. The value with the maximum update date comes first. Maximum update date for the value is calculated as follows:
  1. For each crosswalk bound to the value we take a singleAttributeUpdateDate. If the current crosswalk doesn't contain such a date, we take the updateDate of the whole crosswalk. Now, we have the list of update dates from each crosswalk.
  2. Then, we choose the maximum date among the obtained update dates for the value.
The attribute values are then sorted by such dates in descending order.
{ "uri":"configuration/entityTypes/Individual/attributes/FirstName", "name":"FirstName", "label":"First Name", "attributeOrdering": { "orderingStrategy": "LUD" }, "type":"String" },
FieldBasedOnly for complex attributes like nested or reference. This ordering strategy defines that complex attribute values should be sorted in accordance with some attribute value inside these attributes. For example, for the nested attribute Education, we can use ordering based on the YearOfGraduation value. See the note below the table for additional information. { "uri":"configuration/entityTypes/Individual/attributes/Education", "name":"Education", "label":"Education", "type":"Nested", "attributeOrdering": { "orderingStrategy": "FieldBased", "fieldURI": "configuration/entityTypes/Individual/attributes/Education/attributes/YearOfGraduation" }, ...
  • Optionally, an order type property can be defined (for example, orderType:DESC or orderType:ASC). This indicates that the property applies an ascending or descending order to attributes values sorting. By default, ascending order is used.
  • If the LUD is the same for two or more nested attributes, the sort order for those nested attributes may change each time you perform a load.

LUD Strategy Example

L3 Tenant Configuration Example: LUD Sort

{ "URI":"configuration/entityTypes/Individual/attributes/FirstName", "name":"FirstName", "label":"First Name", "attributeOrdering": {"orderingStrategy": "LUD"}, "type":"String" }
Data Example: LUD Sort
StudentUniversityDegreeYear of GraduationGPALast Updated Date
CUniversity of TorontoMBA20063.53/11/15
CUniversity of TorontoPhD20103.82/11/15
CUniversity of MinnesotaBA20043.71/11/15

Field-based Strategy Example

L3 Tenant Configuration Example: Field-based Sort { "URI":"configuration/entityTypes/Individual/attributes/Education", "name":"Education", "label":"Education", "type":"Nested", "attributeOrdering": { "orderingStrategy": "FieldBased"}, "fieldURI": "configuration/entityTypes/Individual/attributes/Education/attributes/YearOfGraduation" }, ... Data Example: Field-based Sort
StudentUniversityDegreeYear of GraduationGPALast Updated Date
CUniversity of MinnesotaBA20043.71/11/15
CUniversity of TorontoMBA20063.53/11/15
CUniversity of TorontoPhD20103.82/11/15