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Parameters for CSV Headers in the Entities or Relations Export File

Parameters for CSV Headers in the Entities or Relations Export File describes several parameters, which influence the CSV headers of the exported file.

Header Format Body Parameters for CSV Entities or Relations Export

Use the Header Formats in CSV entities or relations Export listed in Table 1: Header Formats in CSV Entities or Relations Export.
Table 1. Header Formats in CSV Entities or Relations Export
Name Details Default Example

The first header of the attribute values will be named as the name of the attribute, all the following headers of the attribute values will fit into the pattern as follows:

<NameOfAttribute> N

Where N is an index of an attribute value + 1 (attribute value indexing begins with 0).










All headers of attribute values are fit into the pattern as follows:

<NameOfAttribute>> [N]

Where N is an index of an attribute value + 1 in which attribute value indexing begins with 0.

Note: The value can be set in entities or relations export using headerFormat body parameter.








The Headers Style Query Parameter in CSV Entities or Relations Export File

This parameter defines how the Export Service must name the CSV columns that represent the attribute values. This parameter is only applicable for CSV export.

The possible values are as follows:
  • name - Attribute names are used for CSV column names.
  • label - Attribute labels are used for CSV column names.

The default value is name.


Consider an HCP entity with two values for FirstName attribute. In L3 configuration for the attribute there’s name: FirstName, label: Person First Name

Entity JSON{ "uri": "entities/JfBBE1o", "type": "configuration/entityTypes/HCP", "attributes": { "FirstName": [ { "value": "John" }, { "value": "Johnathan" } ] } }


See the CSV file generated when the query parameter headerstyle is set to name using the Table 2: CSV file generated when Headerstyle is name.
Table 2. CSV file generated when Headerstyle is name
ID Type Attributes.FirstName Attributes.FirstName2
JfBBE1o HCP John Johnathan

See the exported CSV file using the Table 3: CSV file generated when headerstyle is label.

Table 3. CSV file generated when headerstyle is label
ID Type Attributes.PersonFirstName Attributes.PersonFirstName2
JfBBE1o HCP John Johnathan

sePrefix Query Parameter in CSV Relations Export

This sePrefix query parameter defines whether headers for fields related to startObjects and endObjects will have prefix StartObject or EndObject. This parameter is only applicable for CSV export. Default value is false.


{ "uri": "relations/15Ex3YMN", "type": "configuration/relationTypes/HasAddress", "createdBy": "user1", "createdTime": 1625635773747, "updatedBy": "user1", "updatedTime": 1625635773747, "startRefPinned": false, "startRefIgnored": false, "endRefPinned": false, "endRefIgnored": false, "attributes": {}, "crosswalks": [ { "uri": "relations/15Ex3YMN/crosswalks/43VLKEESR", "type": "configuration/sources/AHA", "value": "RR002000351", "reltioLoadDate": "2021-07-07T05:29:33.747Z", "createDate": "2021-07-07T05:29:33.747Z", "updateDate": "2021-07-07T05:29:33.747Z", "attributes": [], "singleAttributeUpdateDates": {} } ], "startObject": { "type": "configuration/entityTypes/HCP", "objectURI": "entities/1gNqyJeF", "label": "Almaz Rommel Reif", "directionalLabel": "has address", "crosswalks": [ { "uri": "entities/1gNqyJeF/crosswalks/43VLKEqol", "type": "configuration/sources/AHA", "value": "002000351", "reltioLoadDate": "2021-07-07T05:29:33.747Z", "createDate": "2021-07-07T05:29:33.747Z", "updateDate": "2021-07-07T05:29:33.747Z", "attributes": [ "entities/1gNqyJeF/attributes/ME/43VLKEMyx", "entities/1gNqyJeF/attributes/LastName/43VLKEe1z", "entities/1gNqyJeF/attributes/FirstName/43VLKEIih", "entities/1gNqyJeF/attributes/License/43VLKERFD/Number/43VLKEZlj", "entities/1gNqyJeF/attributes/MiddleName/43VLKEmYV", "entities/1gNqyJeF/attributes/License/43VLKERFD/ExpiryDate/43VLKEVVT", "entities/1gNqyJeF/attributes/Gender/43VLKEiIF", "entities/1gNqyJeF/attributes/License/43VLKERFD" ], "singleAttributeUpdateDates": {} } ] }, "endObject": { "type": "configuration/entityTypes/Location", "objectURI": "entities/1gNqyNuV", "label": "Buch, 77 19361", "directionalLabel": "locates", "crosswalks": [] } }


See the fields listed in the CSV file using the Table 4: CSV file generated when sePrefix is False.

Table 4. CSV file generated when sePrefix is False
ID Type Crosswalks.AHA.ID StartObject.Crosswalks.AHA.ID HCP.ID HCP.Label Location.ID Location.Label updatedBy updateDate createdBy createDate
15Ex3YMN HasAddress RR002000351 2000351 1gNqyJeF Almaz Rommel Reif 1gNqyNuV Buch, 77 19361 user1 1625635773747 user1 1625635773747


The fields are listed in the exported CSV file as displayed in Table 5: CSV File generated when sePrefix is True.

Table 5. Exported CSV file generated when sePrefix is True
ID Type Crosswalks.AHA.ID StartObject.Crosswalks.AHA.ID StartObject.HCP.ID StartObject.HCP.Label EndObject.Location.ID EndObject.Location.Label updatedBy updateDate createdBy createDate
15Ex3YMN HasAddress RR002000351 2000351 1gNqyJeF Almaz Rommel Reif 1gNqyNuV Buch, 77 19361 user1 1625635773747 user1 1625635773747

Exploded Query Parameter in CSV Entities' Export

  • exploded - The Query parameter exploded influences how entities with multiple values will be presented in the CSV output file. For more information, see Exploded Format in CSV Entities Export.

Query Parameters in CSV Entities/Relations Export

anchorAttribute - The Query parameter anchorAttribute provides the ability to repeat the OV of a specified attribute (i.e. anchor it) every record presented in the CSV output file. Every CSV line that represents an entity (or relation) will have an OV value of the anchored attribute of that entity.

slicedByCrosswalks - The Query parameter slicedByCrosswalks provides the ability for exported records of entities or relations to be presented in the CSV output file such that each crosswalk and its attribute values form a separate line in the exported dataset, enabling you to distinguish the source of each particular attribute value, including both OV and non-OV values.

For more information, see Generate pivoted view of crosswalks.

groupBy Body Parameter in CSV Entities/Relations Export

The parameter indicates a list of Attribute Group Specifications that enable grouping of complex Attributes. It is only applicable for a CSV export.

For more information, see Group Nested and Reference Attributes.