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Result of an Export Request

Learn about the response of an export request.

When you perform an export request, the Export Service returns the status of the export request in a response if the request is performed successfully. All export types return statuses of export requests in the same format, as shown below.

Table 1. Export Request Status
Field Description Value Type
exportType This field denotes the type of the scheduled export. The possible values are as follows:
version This field denotes the version of the scheduled export. The possible values are as follows:
  • v1
  • v2
status This field denotes the status of the export request. The possible value is scheduled. String
details This field denotes the status of the export request. String
taskIds This field is a JSON Array containing the IDs of the scheduled tasks. JSON Array of Strings
groupId This field denotes the Group ID of scheduled tasks for this export. String
Example { "groupId": "cdea5895-951a-4e7e-be80-018dca34bb29", "exportType": "ENTITIES", "version": "v2", "status": "scheduled", "details": "Export job has been scheduled. Result will be sent to your email: user@example.com", "taskIds": [ "831272d6-1685-49cc-a98c-c8965d04bc0d", "66c35a13-5b9f-4db0-9bd2-5666ad23a9a3" ] }
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