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Exploded Format in CSV Entities Export

The exploded parameter describes how the entities with multiple values are displayed in the CSV.

The default value of the parameter is false. This indicates each entity will be in one row. Attributes with multiple values will be organized in multiple columns.

Note: A limit of 100K rows is possible to explode per entity.
If the parameter is specified and is set to true, then all attribute values for the same attribute must be within one column. Multiple rows will be used for an entity. This means that if the parameter is set to true, then each entity is represented as a set of CSV lines, where the set is a cartesian product of the entity's attributes.
Note: Using this file format option during export may result in low performance and lead to large export files. There is more risk if many entities in the job have multiple values for their attributes. Reltio recommends using the CSV Flattened or JSON file format options under most circumstances.


Consider the following three entities:
  • FhUppwQ
  • FhUpuCg
  • FhUpySw
The FhUppwQ has two values for FirstName and MiddleName attributes.
Entities JSON[ { "uri": "entities/FhUppwQ", "type": "configuration/entityTypes/HCP", "attributes": { "FirstName": [ { "value": "Billy" }, { "value": "William" } ], "LastName": [ { "value": "Thornton" } ], "MiddleName": [ { "value": "Bobby" }, { "value": "Bob" } ] } }, { "uri": "entities/FhUpuCg", "type": "configuration/entityTypes/HCP", "attributes": { "FirstName": [ { "value": "John" } ], "LastName": [ { "value": "Butler" } ], "MiddleName": [ { "value": "Justin" } ] } }, { "uri": "entities/FhUpySw", "type": "configuration/entityTypes/HCP", "attributes": { "FirstName": [ { "value": "Peter" } ], "LastName": [ { "value": "Pan" } ], "MiddleName": [ { "value": "Paul" } ] } } ]


In the exported CSV file the fields are listed in Table 1: CSV files generated when exploded is set to False

Table 1. CSV files Generated when exploded is set to False
ID Type Attributes.FirstNam Attributes.FirstName2 Attributes.LastName Attributes.MiddleName Attributes.MiddleName2
FhUppwQ HCP William Billy Thornton Bob Bobby
FhUpuCg HCP John Butler Justin
FhUpySw HCP Peter Pan Paul

In the exported CSV file the following fields are listed in Table 2: CSV file generated when exploded is set to True.

Table 2. CSV file generated when exploded is set to True
ID Type Attributes.FirstName Attributes.LastName Attributes.MiddleName
FhUppwQ HCP William Thornton Bob
FhUppwQ HCP Billy Thornton Bob
FhUppwQ HCP William Thornton Bobby
FhUppwQ HCP Billy Thornton Bobby
FhUpuCg HCP John Butler Justin
FhUpySw HCP Peter Pan Paul