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Secure export AWS authentication

Learn how to export data to your S3 bucket without providing AWS static credentials.

Contact Support to obtain the Reltio AWS Account ID, which you'll need to configure AWS authentication.

The Reltio Export service enables you to write export output files in your own storage buckets using export API calls.

Reltio uses a secure approach for AWS customers based on the use of AWS IAM assumed roles. You must use AWS IAM AssumeRole based security while calling the Reltio Export service. This eliminates the need to provide static credentials. To achieve this, you need an additional one-time configuration in both the Reltio account and your AWS account to set up roles and a trusted relationship.
Note: AWS access key and secret are being deprecated. For more details see this deprecation notice: AWS access key and secret in favor of IAM roles for Reltio-owned resources.
To configure secure AWS authentication:
  1. Create an AWS S3 bucket.
    For example, reltio-cross-account-export-bucket.
  2. Create an AWS access policy.

    For example, s3-reltio-export-policy.

    You can read, write, and list access to your S3 bucket.
    • List: ListBucket
    • Read: GetObject
    • Write: PutObject, DeleteObject

  3. Create an AWS role.

    For example, reltio-exporter. Now, you can access the policy.

  4. Add another AWS Account for the role type.

    Specify the Reltio AWS Account ID as the account that can use this role.

  5. Set the maximum CLI/API session duration to 12 hours.

    This provides the Reltio export service sufficient time to complete writing to an S3 bucket for larger exports.

  6. Enter the credentials:
    1. Add the Account ID.

      For example, 111122223333.

    2. Add the ARN Number.

      For example, arn:aws:iam::123456789876: user/reltio.platform.jobs.

  7. Assign the policy to the role.

    For example, you can assign policy s3-reltio-export-policy to the role reltio-exporter.

  8. Provide the role ARN to Reltio Customer Support.

    Reltio will then configure an AWS role within the trusted account to assume the customer’s role when it needs to write to the customer’s S3 bucket.

    Export Service HTTP headers

    Table 1. HTTP headers
    HTTP HeaderDescriptionExample
    s3BucketCustomer S3 bucket.mys3bucket
    s3PathCustomer S3 path where the export output files are placed./reltio-export-output/mypath/
    roleArnCustomer IAM role where the trust relationship was defined for Reltio to assume the role.arn:aws:iam:999999999999:role/reltio-exporter
    externalIdCustomer’s unique identifier for granular control over role access.5ez83245-6b31-4df3-9bd2-0a0t25b3f9c9zz
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