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CSV Output Format for Relations Export

The Relations Export CSV output format describes the values displayed in the CSV columns for the exported relations.

ID Header

The value of the CSV column is the ID of the relation.

Type Header

The value of the CSV column is the relation type.

System Attribute Headers

By default, the CSV headers for attributes are constructed as follows:

The first header of attribute values is the name of the attribute Attributes.<NameOfAttribute>. All the following headers of the attribute values will fit into the pattern as follows:


Where N is an index of an attribute value + 1 (the attribute value indexing begins with 0).

The value of the CSV column is the value of an attribute.
Note: The type, uri, ov values of attributes are not exported in a CSV file.

Example for Attribute Headers

Consider the HasAddress relation with two values for phone attributes (the values for HasAddress are specified in the relation's JSON).

Relation JSON

[ { "uri": "relations/6rla7i0", "type": "configuration/relationTypes/HasAddress", "startObject": { "objectURI": "entities/8HW3JEO" }, "endObject": { "objectURI": "entities/8HW3NUe" }, "attributes": { "Phone": [ { "value": { "Type": { "value": "Home" }, "Number": { "value": "264463" } } }, { "value": { "Type": { "value": "Home Fax" }, "Number": { "value": "16442" } } } ] } } ] }


See Table 1: List of Attributes to find out the list of attributes that are displayed in the CSV file.
Table 1. List of Attributes
ID Type Attributes.Phone.Number Attributes.Phone.Type Attributes.Phone2.Number Attributes.Phone2.Type
6rla7i0 HasAddress 264463 Home 16442 Home Fax

Crosswalks Headers

By default, CSV header for crosswalks is constructed as follows:


CSV column value is the value property of the crosswalk.

Note: The uri, attributes, singleAttributeUpdateDates values of crosswalks are not exported in a CSV file. The reltioLoadDate, createDate, updateDate, and deleteDate values of crosswalks are exported in CSV file only in pivoted view of crosswalks. For more information see Generate pivoted view of crosswalks.

Example for Crosswalk Headers


{ "uri": "relations/15Ex3YMN/crosswalks/43VLKEESR", "type": "configuration/sources/AHA", "value": "RR002000351", "reltioLoadDate": "2021-07-07T05:29:33.747Z", "createDate": "2021-07-07T05:29:33.747Z", "updateDate": "2021-07-07T05:29:33.747Z", "attributes": [], "singleAttributeUpdateDates": {} }


See Table 2: Crosswalks to find the listed crosswalks.
Table 2. Table 2: Crosswalks

Start Object and End Object Headers

By default, the CSV headers for startObject and endObject are constructed as follows:





The CSV column values for ID is the value of objectURI property of startObject or endObject.

CSV column value for Label is the value of Label property of startObject or endObject.

Note: directionalLabel values of startObject or an endObject are not exported in a CSV file.

Example for Start Object and End Object Headers


"startObject": { "type": "configuration/entityTypes/HCP", "objectURI": "entities/8HW3W1A", "label": "Mary", "directionalLabel": "has address", "crosswalks": [ { ... } ] }, "endObject": { "type": "configuration/entityTypes/Location", "objectURI": "entities/8HW3aHQ", "label": "CH", "directionalLabel": "locates", "crosswalks": [] }


You can find the StartObject, EndObject headers and its corresponding details listed in Table 3: Details for StartObject and EndObject Headers.
Table 3. Details for Start Object and End Object Headers
HCP.ID HCP.Label Location.ID Location.Label
8HW3W1A Mary 8HW3aHQ CH

Start Object Crosswalks Headers

By default, the CSV header for startObject crosswalks is constructed as follows:


The CSV column value is startObject crosswalk’s value property.
Note: The uri, attributes, singleAttributeUpdateDates values of crosswalks are not exported in a CSV file. The reltioLoadDate, createDate, updateDate, and deleteDate values of crosswalks are exported in CSV file only in pivoted view of crosswalks. For more information see Generate pivoted view of crosswalks.

Example for start Object Crosswalks Headers


"startObject": { ... "crosswalks": [ { "uri": "entities/8HW3W1A/crosswalks/nHoBK6G8", "type": "configuration/sources/Reltio", "value": "8HW3W1A", "reltioLoadDate": "2021-07-07T13:10:58.840Z", "createDate": "2021-07-07T13:10:58.840Z", "updateDate": "2021-07-07T13:10:58.840Z", "attributes": [ "entities/8HW3W1A/attributes/FirstName/nHoBJcQK", "entities/8HW3W1A/attributes/FirstName/nHoBJgga" ], "singleAttributeUpdateDates": {} } ] }


See Table 4: StartObject Crosswalks Headers to find the details for CSV headers for startObject crosswalks.

Table 4. Start Object Crosswalks Headers

System Attributes Headers


The value of the CSV column is the updatedBy property of a relation.


The value of the CSV column is the updatedTime property of a relation.


The value of the CSV column is the createdBy property of a relation.


The value of the CSV column is the createdTime property of a relation.


Consider the two HasAddress relations.


[{ "uri": "relations/6gApei0", "type": "configuration/relationTypes/HasAddress", "createdBy": "user1", "createdTime": 1625663129892, "updatedBy": "user1", "updatedTime": 1625735719090, "startRefPinned": false, "startRefIgnored": false, "endRefPinned": false, "endRefIgnored": false, "attributes": { "Phone": [ { "label": "12345 Mobile", "value": { "Type": [ { "type": "configuration/relationTypes/HasAddress/attributes/Phone/attributes/Type", "ov": true, "value": "Mobile", "uri": "relations/6gApei0/attributes/Phone/1VmH3VHqi/Type/1VmH3VM6y" } ], "Number": [ { "type": "configuration/relationTypes/HasAddress/attributes/Phone/attributes/Number", "ov": true, "value": "12345", "uri": "relations/6gApei0/attributes/Phone/1VmH3VHqi/Number/1VmH3VQNE" } ] }, "ov": true, "uri": "relations/6gApei0/attributes/Phone/1VmH3VHqi" }, { "label": "67890 Work", "value": { "Type": [ { "type": "configuration/relationTypes/HasAddress/attributes/Phone/attributes/Type", "ov": true, "value": "Work", "uri": "relations/6gApei0/attributes/Phone/1VmH3VUdU/Type/1VmH3VYtk" } ], "Number": [ { "type": "configuration/relationTypes/HasAddress/attributes/Phone/attributes/Number", "ov": true, "value": "67890", "uri": "relations/6gApei0/attributes/Phone/1VmH3VUdU/Number/1VmH3VdA0" } ] }, "ov": true, "uri": "relations/6gApei0/attributes/Phone/1VmH3VUdU" } ] }, "crosswalks": [ { "uri": "relations/6gApei0/crosswalks/nHoBJCqm", "type": "configuration/sources/Reltio", "value": "6gApei0", "reltioLoadDate": "2021-07-08T09:15:19.090Z", "createDate": "2021-07-07T13:05:29.892Z", "updateDate": "2021-07-07T13:05:29.892Z", "attributes": [ "relations/6gApei0/attributes/Phone/1VmH3VHqi", "relations/6gApei0/attributes/Phone/1VmH3VHqi/Type/1VmH3VM6y", "relations/6gApei0/attributes/Phone/1VmH3VUdU/Type/1VmH3VYtk", "relations/6gApei0/attributes/Phone/1VmH3VUdU/Number/1VmH3VdA0", "relations/6gApei0/attributes/Phone/1VmH3VUdU", "relations/6gApei0/attributes/Phone/1VmH3VHqi/Number/1VmH3VQNE" ], "singleAttributeUpdateDates": {} } ], "startObject": { "type": "configuration/entityTypes/HCP", "objectURI": "entities/8HW3JEO", "label": "John", "directionalLabel": "has address", "crosswalks": [ { "uri": "entities/8HW3JEO/crosswalks/nHoBJH72", "type": "configuration/sources/Reltio", "value": "8HW3JEO", "reltioLoadDate": "2021-07-07T13:05:29.892Z", "createDate": "2021-07-07T13:05:29.892Z", "updateDate": "2021-07-07T13:05:29.892Z", "attributes": [ "entities/8HW3JEO/attributes/FirstName/nHoBIrXU", "entities/8HW3JEO/attributes/FirstName/nHoBInHE" ], "singleAttributeUpdateDates": {} } ] }, "endObject": { "type": "configuration/entityTypes/Location", "objectURI": "entities/8HW3NUe", "label": "CA", "directionalLabel": "locates", "crosswalks": [] } }, { "uri": "relations/94bXjvA", "type": "configuration/relationTypes/HasAddress", "createdBy": "user1", "createdTime": 1625737394123, "updatedBy": "user1", "updatedTime": 1625737547209, "startRefPinned": false, "startRefIgnored": false, "endRefPinned": false, "endRefIgnored": false, "attributes": { "Status": [ { "type": "configuration/relationTypes/HasAddress/attributes/Status", "ov": true, "value": "Active", "uri": "relations/94bXjvA/attributes/Status/13X6bQyH6" } ] }, "crosswalks": [ { "uri": "relations/94bXjvA/crosswalks/13X5cmnFk", "type": "configuration/sources/Reltio", "value": "94bXjvA", "reltioLoadDate": "2021-07-08T09:45:47.209Z", "createDate": "2021-07-08T09:43:14.123Z", "updateDate": "2021-07-08T09:43:14.123Z", "attributes": [ "relations/94bXjvA/attributes/Status/13X6bQyH6" ], "singleAttributeUpdateDates": {} } ], "startObject": { "type": "configuration/entityTypes/HCP", "objectURI": "entities/9KpdLMn", "label": "Char", "directionalLabel": "has address", "crosswalks": [] }, "endObject": { "type": "configuration/entityTypes/Location", "objectURI": "entities/9KpdH6X", "label": "CA", "directionalLabel": "locates", "crosswalks": [] } } ]


You can find the list of attributes as displayed in the following table, Table 5: CSV Export Output file.
Table 5. CSV Export Output file
ID Type Attributes.Status Attributes.Phone.Number Attributes.Phone.Type Attributes.Phone2.Number Attributes.Phone2.Type Crosswalks.Reltio.ID StartObject.Crosswalks.Reltio.ID HCP.ID HCP.Label Location.ID Location.Label updatedBy updateDate createdBy createDate
94bXjvA HasAddress Active 94bXjvA 9KpdLMn Char 9KpdH6X CA user1 1625737547209 user1 1625737394123
6gApei0 HasAddress 12345 Mobile 67890 Work 6gApei0 8HW3JEO 8HW3JEO John 8HW3NUe CA user1 1625735719090 user1 1625663129892
  • The CSV column separator is , and it is not configurable.
  • A column is present in the CSV output file only if there is at least one value that is not null in the column. The value “” is an empty string value, but not a missing value.
  • The order of the columns is not fixed and the order cannot be configured.
  • The headerFormat body parameter, headersStyle and sePrefix and slicedByCrosswalks query parameters of relations export request influence on the headings.

    For more information, see Parameters for CSV Headers in the Entities or Relations Export File.

Use the JSON property to find out the differences between JSON and CSV formats. For more information, see Table 6: Differences between JSON Properties and CSV Formats.
Table 6. Differences between JSON Properties and CSV Formats
JSON Property CSV Header

For example, the value is: relations / 15Ex3YMN.

The CSV Header is ID.

For example, the value is 15Ex3YMN.

type. The value is uri of the type.

For example, the value is configuration/relationTypes/HasAddress.

The CSV Header is type. Value is type itself.

For example, the value is HasAddress.

createdTime The CSV Header is createdDate.
updatedTime The CSV Header is updatedDate.
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