CSV output format for entity export
CSV Output Format for Entities Export describes the values displayed in the CSV columns for the exported entities.
ID Header
The value of the CSV column is the ID of an entity.
Type Header
The value of the CSV column is the entity type.
Attributes values headers
By default, CSV headers for attributes are constructed as follows:
The first header of the attribute values is the name
of the
All the following headers of the attribute values will fit into the pattern as follows:
Attributes.<NameOfAttribute> N
Where N
is an index of an attribute value + 1
indexing of the attribute value begins with 0).
The value of the CSV column is an attribute’s value
, uri
values of attributes aren’t exported in a CSV
file.Example: Header defines the attribute values
Consider an HCP entity with three values for FirstName
(the values
for FirstName
are specified in the entity's JSON).
Entities JSON
CSV: Entity
See Table 1: Attributes and IDs for the CSV output file of the entity.
ID | Type | Attributes.FirstName | Attributes.FirstName2 | Attributes.FirstName3 |
QWFU1nx | HCP | John | Johnathan | Johny |
Crosswalks headers
, attributes
values of crosswalks aren't exported
in a CSV file. The relationDate
, createDate
, deleteDate
values of the
crosswalks are exported in CSV file only in the pivoted view of the crosswalks. For
more information, see topic Generate pivoted view of crosswalks.Example: Crosswalk headers
Crosswalk JSONCSV
Crosswalks.SDS.UserData.ID |
10000007 |
Reference entity or relation crosswalks headers
Apart from the values in the reference attributes, reference entity crosswalks and reference relation crosswalks are exported.
By default, the CSV header for reference entity or relation crosswalks is constructed as follows:
The value of the CSV column is the value property for the crosswalk.
, type
values of refEntity
crosswalks aren’t exported in a CSV file. The
, createDate
, and deleteDate
values of
crosswalks are exported in CSV file only in the pivoted view of crosswalks. For more
information, see topic Generate pivoted view of crosswalks.Example: Crosswalks headers for reference entity and reference relation
and refRelation
See Table 3: List of Crosswalks for Reference Entity and Reference Relation crosswalks.
Attributes.Address.refEntityCrosswalk.Reltio.ID | Attributes.Address.refRelationCrosswalk.Reltio.ID |
QWFU64D | IxCqL09 |
Headers: Analytics attributes
By default, the CSV headers for analytics attributes are constructed as follows:
The first header of the analytic attribute value is the name of the attribute
. All the following
headers of the attribute values will fit into the pattern as follows:
Where N is an index of an attribute value + 1 (attribute value indexing begins with 0).
The CSV column value is an analytics attribute’s value
Example: Headers for analytics attributes
Consider an entity with analytics attributes.
See Table 4: Entities with Analytics Attributes for the CSV file of an entity with analytics attributes.
ID | Type | AnalyticsAttributes.DQ.score | Attributes.DQ.enabled |
QTNEU1no |
42 |
1625734235046 |
System attributes headers
The CSV column defines the value of the updatedBy
property of an
The CSV column defines the value of updatedTime
property of an
The CSV column defines the value of createdBy
property of an
The CSV column defines the value of createdTime
property of an
The CSV column value is a value of ‘activenessStartInternal
of an entity. If the value of activenessStartInternal
is null, the
CSV column value is the value of activeness.startDate
The CSV column value is a value of activenessEndInternal
property of
an entity. If the value of activenessEndInternal
is null, the CSV
column value is a value of activeness.endDate
property. If the
entity doesn't have endDate
, then the value will be the maximum of
delete dates of all the crosswalks.
Consider two HCP entities with two values (the values for FirstName are specified in the entities's JSON file) for FirstName and the nested reference attribute Address.
Entities JSONCSV
See Table 5: Exported CSV File for the exported CSV file for the entities.
ID | Type | Attributes.FirstName | Attributes.FirstName2 | Attributes.FirstName3 | Attributes.Address.Country | Attributes.Address.StateProvince | Attributes.Address.refEntityCrosswalk.Reltio.ID | Attributes.Address.refRelationCrosswalk.Reltio.ID | Attributes.Address2.Country | Attributes.Address2.StateProvince | Attributes.Address2.StateProvince2 | Attributes.Address2.refEntityCrosswalk.Reltio.ID | Attributes.Address2.refRelationCrosswalk.Reltio.ID | Crosswalks.Reltio.ID | updatedBy | updateDate | createdBy | createDate | StartDate | endDate |
QWFU1nx | HCP | John | Johnathan | Johny | US | CA | QWFU64D | IxCqL09 | RU | CH | CE | QWFUAKT | IxCqPGP | QWFU1nx | user1 | 1625662503355 | user1 | 1625662503355 | 1657724036 | 1657724100 |
8HW3W1A | HCP | Mary | Marya | UK | CH | 8HW3aHQ | 6gApiyG | 8HW3W1A | user1 | 1625663458840 | user1 | 1625663458840 | 1657724200 | 1657724300 |
- The CSV column separator is a comma (,) and it isn’t configurable.
- A column is present in the CSV output file only if there is at least one
value that is not null. The value
is an empty string value, but not a missing value. - The order of the columns isn’t guaranteed and can’t be configured.
body parameter,headersStyle
, andslicedByCrosswalks
query parameters of entities export request influence on the headings.For more information, see topic Parameters for CSV Headers in the Entities or Relations Export File.
See Table 6: Differences between JSON Properties and CSV Formats to find out the differences between JSON and CSV formats.
JSON property | CSV Header |
For example, the value is |
For example, the value is |
value is a complete URI of For
example, the value is |
For example, the value is HCP. |
The CSV header is createdDate . |
updatedTime |
The CSV Header is updatedDate . |