Unify and manage your data

Request a potential match review

Learn how to raise a workflow request to review potential matches.

By now, you know about potential matches, how to select profiles to compare with your main entity, and how to merge selected potential matches that are the same entity or mark them as not a match. For more information, see topics Select the Potential Matches for a profile, Find Potential Matches manually for a profile, Select profiles from the Not-a-match list and Merge potential matches.

If you aren’t sure, you can raise a workflow request. A data steward will look at the request, and determine if the profiles are a match.

To raise a potential match review request:

  1. In the Reltio Hub, select Search and then select a profile.
  2. In the Profile perspective, from the left navigation pane, select Profile > Potential Matches.
  3. In the Potential Matches perspective, from the More actions menu, select Potential Match Request to create a workflow request for all the displayed profiles. You’ll see a message indicating that the workflow request has been created.
  4. Refresh your page to view the potential match request details for the selected profiles. You can also view the task for reviewing and resolving the potential match in your Inbox. For more information, see topic Inbox at a glance.
    Note: View this potential match workflow in your Profile perspective. For more information, see topic Workflow tab.