Unify and manage your data

Merge potential matches

Learn how to merge potential matches with the main entity Profile. If you’re a data steward who works with profiles, then this topic is for you.

You’ve now selected the profiles that are potential matches for the main entity. For more information on selecting profiles for the main entity, see topics Select the Potential Matches for a profile, Find Potential Matches manually for a profile, and Select profiles from the Not-a-match list.

To merge profiles:

  1. In the Hub, select Search, and then select a Profile.
  2. In the Profile view, in the left navigation pane, select Profile > Potential Matches to view the Potential Matches perspective. Based on match rules, three profiles are displayed by default.
    The attribute value that matches with the main profile is highlighted in a different color (e.g., if the Email address in a profile matches the one in the main entity, then this value is highlighted).

    You can also look at the Relevance score of each entity to determine if the profile is a match to the main entity.

    Note: The Relevance score is available only for those records that are matched based on the relevance based match rule type. For more information, see topic Relevance-Based Matching - Detailed Explanation.
  3. Select the Show/Hide columns option to select/deselect the columns that must be displayed in the table.
  4. Select any attribute that you want added in your Potential Match review.
  5. Select a row, and drag and drop it to the desired location. For example, if you want to view the Sources details right on the top of the table, you can drag it from its current position and drop it to the desired location.
  6. Hover over an attribute value to and select the More options icon. The following options are displayed:
    1. Select the Insert row below option to insert an attribute below the current row. You’ll see a dialog box with a list of attributes. Select the attribute that you want to add. A new row is added below the current row, with the newly selected attribute value displayed for the profile.
    2. Select the Insert row above option to insert an attribute above the current row. You’ll see a dialog box, with a list of attributes. Select the attribute that you want to add. A new row is added above the current row, with the newly selected attribute value displayed for the profile.
    3. Select the Hide row hide the current row from the display.
  7. To merge a profile with the main entity, hover over the profile name in the column and select the Merge button. The profile details are merged with the main entity details and the merged profile no longer exists.
  8. To mark the profile as not a match, hover over the profile name and select the Not a match button. The profile is removed from this page and will be available in the Not a Match tab.
    Note: You’ll find the Merge and Not a Match buttons on top of the table. Clicking on these will either merge all the profiles in the page with the main entity or mark all of them as not a match.
Video - Potential match, merge and unmerge
Watch a practical demonstration of:
  • Reviewing existing match rules
  • Inspecting an existing match rule in the match rule builder
  • Creating, manually, a Contact record, and merging it with an existing record
  • Reviewing a merged record, and unmerging it