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Get all customer clients

​Learn about retrieving all clients that are associated with a customer.​

Use this API to retrieve all clients that are associated with a customer.

You need either of the following role and permission to use this API:
  • Auth.Customer.Clients READ


GET https://auth.reltio.com/oauth/customers/{customerId}/clients
Table 1. Parameters
Name Required Description
HeadersAuthorization YesInformation about the authentication access token should be in the format: "Bearer {accessToken}". For more information, see topic Authentication API.
URL Parameters customerId YesA valid Customer ID.


List of clients that belong to you.


Request GET https://auth.reltio.com/oauth/customers/ABC/clients Response [ { "clientId": "test_client", "scope":[], "clientPermissions": { "roles":{ "ROLE_ADMIN_TENANT": ["tenant1"], "ROLE_API": ["tenant1"] } }, "authorities": [], "resourceIds": [], "authorizedGrantTypes": [ "client_credentials" ], "clientDescription": null, "clientName": null, "clientEmail": null, "redirectUri": [ "http://localhost" ], "accessTokenValidity": null, "refreshTokenValidity": null, "defaultRolesAssignmentEnabled": false, "clientAuthenticationMethods": [ "client_secret_post", "client_secret_basic" ], "enabled" : true ]
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