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Getting a Reltio Access Token from a Third Party IDP

Get an access token from a third party.


POST https://auth.reltio.com/oauth/token
Table 1. Parameters
Name Required Description
Headers Authorization Yes Client identifier, will be provided by Reltio. Will start with "Basic".
Query username Yes A username or email of end user registered in Reltio database and in third-party Identify Provider System.
password Yes A password (or Access Token) of end user registered in third-party Identity Provider System.
grant_type Yes Type of access token request. Possible value: grant_type=password.
idp_system Yes Identifier for third-party Identity Provider System. Possible third-party IdP: Salesforce.

Request for Salesforce

Table 2. Parameters
Name Required Description
Headers Authorization Yes Client identifier, will be provided by Reltio. Will start with "Basic".
Query username Yes A username or email of end user registered in Reltio database and in third-party Identify Provider System.
password Yes A password (or Access Token) of end user registered in third-party Identity Provider System.
grant_type Yes Type of access token request. Possible value: grant_type=password.
idp_system Yes Identifier for third-party Identity Provider System "salesforce".


If authentication is passed successfully, then the response will contain a JSON object with the following structure:

token_typeYesType of OAuth2 token. For our Oauth2 server implementation it is always "Bearer" (additional information about "Bearer" can be found here). String
scopeYesAn array of access scopes for which the access token is valid. In our implementation we have the following scopes: Array of Strings
refresh_tokenYesThis value will be used for refreshing expired access token (see "Refresh token").String
expires_inYesTime period in seconds when access token will be expired. When access token is expired, it should be refreshed (see "Refresh token").String
entityURI URI of an entity object that is associated with authenticated user.String
access_tokenYesAccess token that should be used for signing Configuration, Data API requests.String
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