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Update a customer client

Learn about updating the client associated with the customer as specified in the request body.

Use this API to update the client associated with the customer as specified in the request body. All client parameters must be defined in the body of the request, else they are overwritten with empty values. The only exception is the client secret, where if no client secret is sent, the current client secret will remain. However, any other missing attributes are considered to be empty.

You need either of the following role and permission to use this API:
  • Auth.Customer.Clients UPDATE

To reset a client secret, you must be assigned the ROLE_ADMIN_CUSTOMER role. If you are not assigned this role, but are assigned any other role along with the Auth.Customer.Clients UPDATE permission, the role that you are assigned must have the permission to access all your tenants. We have added this additional security control to ensure users who have access to only one tenant, cannot access other tenants using clients. This rule does not apply if you need to modify any other attribute of the client.

Important: Clients tokens are revoked if the list of roles, or, the secret is modified during the update.


PUT https://auth.reltio.com/oauth/customers/{customerId}/clients/{clientId}
Table 1. Parameters
Name Required Description
HeadersAuthorization YesInformation about the authentication access token should be in the format: "Bearer {accessToken}". For more information, see topic Authentication API.
URL Parameters customerId YesA valid Customer ID.
clientId YesA valid Client ID.


The updated client information associated with the customer.


Request PUT https://auth.reltio.com/oauth/customers/ABC/clients/test_client Headers: Authorization: Bearer <Access-Token> Body: { "clientId": "test_client", "clientPermissions": { "roles":{ "ROLE_ADMIN_TENANT": ["tenant1"], "ROLE_API": ["tenant1"] } }, "authorities": [], "resourceIds": [], "authorizedGrantTypes": [ "client_credentials" ], "clientDescription": null, "clientName": null, "clientEmail": null, "redirectUri": [], "accessTokenValidity": null, "refreshTokenValidity": null, "defaultRolesAssignmentEnabled": false, "clientAuthenticationMethods": [ "client_secret_post", "client_secret_basic" ], enabled=true }Response { "clientId": "test_client", "scope":[] "clientPermissions": { "roles":{ "ROLE_ADMIN_TENANT": ["tenant1"], "ROLE_API": ["tenant1"] } }, "authorities": [], "resourceIds": [], "authorizedGrantTypes": [ "client_credentials" ], "clientDescription": null, "clientName": null, "clientEmail": null, "redirectUri": [ "http://localhost" ], "accessTokenValidity": null, "refreshTokenValidity": null, "defaultRolesAssignmentEnabled": false, "clientAuthenticationMethods": [ "client_secret_post", "client_secret_basic" ], "enabled" : true }
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