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Retrieve client multitoken statistics

Learn about retrieving statistics for multitokens for a specific client.

Use this API to retrieve the status of multitokens usage for a specific client. Only customer administrators and users with customer client management permissions can use this API.

You need either of the following role and permission to use this API:
  • Auth.Customer.Clients READ


GET https://auth.reltio.com/oauth/customers/{customerId}/clients/{clientId}/multitokens

Table 1. Parameters
Name Required Description
HeadersAuthorization YesInformation about the authentication access token should be in the format: "Bearer {accessToken}". For more information, see topic Authentication API.
URL Parameters customerId YesA valid customer ID. The created client ID is automatically associated with your customer ID.
clientId YesThe client identifier that is unique across all customers.


The response body contains the status of the multitoken functionality and the count of currently active tokens.


Request GET https://auth.reltio.com/oauth/customers/ABC/clients/test_client/multitokens Headers: Authorization: Bearer <Access-Token> Response { "status": "enabled", "tokensCount": 100 }
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