Tenant cloning, backups, and snapshots FAQ
Find the answers to some of the Frequently Asked Questions (FAQ) about Tenant Cloning, Backups, and Snapshots, including Restore.
- Will my monthly entitlements carry forward if I don't request these operations for a given month?
No, these default entitlements don't roll over to the next month.
- At the beginning of the year, do I start with 12 entitlements or one entitlement?
At the beginning of every month, you start with one entitlement each for a clone, and a snapshot and restore. This entitlement doesn’t change for the first month of the year.
- What is the process of requesting clones or snapshots or restores? Do I contact my Customer Success Manager (CSM)?
To request one of these operations, you must raise a support ticket. You don't have to contact your CSM.
- If I exceed my base entitlement for either operation for a particular calendar month, when will the invoice get generated?
An invoice would be generated at the end of the month based on the number of additional cloning or snapshot operations requested by you, above your default entitlement.
- Are the default entitlements per subscription or per tenant?
The entitlements are per base package subscription. For example, if you have three base package subscriptions, you get one clone and one snapshot for free per each of those base package subscriptions. These entitlements apply only to their respective base package subscription and may not be used across subscriptions.
- If I buy an additional test package, do I get a clone for that package?
No. These entitlements are for full base package subscriptions.
- What are the implications for those who have already paid for clones or snapshots in the past and never used it?
You now have higher entitlements
- Does the clone or snapshot include my Reference Data Management (RDM) tenant?
Yes. Every Reltio tenant is connected to its own RDM tenant. When you request a clone or snapshot of your Reltio tenant, the RDM tenant is included as well.
Tenant snapshot and restore
- Will snapshots be taken once a month without me asking for it, just like backups?
No, snapshots will be taken only on request.
- What is the difference between a snapshot and the regular backups that Reltio provides?
Reltio automatically performs daily backups of your production tenant at a scheduled time, storing them for seven days. This service is included in your Reltio subscription at no additional cost, allowing you to restore your tenant to a previous state if needed. For example, if a data load doesn't produce the expected outcome, you can restore your tenant data from any backup taken in the previous seven days.
In contrast, a snapshot is an on-demand backup that you request via a Support ticket. You can specify the date and approximate time for the backup. Reltio stores each snapshot for 30 days. Additional costs apply for Snapshots that exceed your licensed entitlements for this activity. Review the default entitlements and your license regarding costs.
- Will all snapshots be retained for up to 30 days?
If you request a restore, then the snapshot will be deleted after the restore is completed. If you don't request a restore from a particular snapshot, then the snapshot will be kept for 30 days from its date of creation after which it will be automatically deleted.
- If I request a snapshot on the 15th of the month and a restore of it on the 10th of the next month, does the monthly default entitlements limit apply to me for the restore?
The default entitlement is for a snapshot per calendar month plus an associated restore operation. So, if you request a snapshot, you can request a restore of it anytime within the next 30 days starting from the date the snapshot was taken (not from the date of request), regardless of whether the restore falls into the subsequent calendar month.
- Consider this scenario: I request a restore on the 10th of September of a snapshot taken in August. But I also want to request another snapshot later during the month of September. Will I be invoiced for the September snapshot operation?
No, the September restore is coupled with the August snapshot, so you will still have your free snapshot entitlement remaining for the month of September.
- Can I request multiple restores of the same snapshot?
No, after a restore is performed on an existing snapshot, the snapshot would be deleted.
- What is included in the snapshot?
Only tenant data is included. It doesn't include configurations, activity logs, nor history.
- What date is counted for calculating the free limit? The request date or the operation complete date?
The request date is considered for calculating the free limit.
- Is there any data size cap for snapshots?
Yes. The supported data size for snapshots for free of cost operation would be up to 50 TB. You may request custom pricing for exceeding this limit.
Tenant cloning
- What are the guidelines and requirements for initiating and scheduling tenant cloning and backup operations?
There are mainly timing requirements, see Tenant cloning and backup operation.
- Can I request partial clones?
No, partial clones won't be supported. If you are looking to bring production or test data to your dev environment, then there are other means to accomplish that, such as exporting data.
- Is cloning of history supported?
Cloning of history isn't encouraged as it inflates the size of the cloned tenant, and will be done only if specifically requested.
- Will the target tenant be accessible during the cloning process?No, the target tenant isn't available during the cloning process. Any activity on the tenant can interfere with cloning and may lead to an incomplete or unsuccessful outcome. To ensure a successful cloning process, don't use the target tenant until cloning is complete.Tip: Track the progress of the cloning ticket you submitted with Reltio Support. This ensures you know exactly when it's safe to access the target system again without disrupting the cloning process.