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Platform status at a glance

Get a high-level view of Platform status.

Take it from the top with Platform status. Get the overview here, then see the sub topics in this section to drill down to the details.

What is Platform status?

Reltio monitors the operational status of your tenants, keeping an eye on clouds, services, components, responding to any issues, and notifying you of any that impact your operation.

Who is Platform status for?

This content is curated for all Reltio user roles defined in topic About roles:

Business User Data Product Owner Data Steward Developer Reltio Configurator Solution ArchitectSystem Administrator

Why would I use Platform status?

Check Platform status to view current health or review logs for past incidents..

When would I use Platform status?

If you notice an interruption to your Reltio Data Cloud's operation, check first for any reported issues on Platform status.

Where do I find Platform status?

The Reltio Platform Status page maintains information about operational health. This is a publicly available page, so you can access it without being logged in to the Reltio Data Cloud or without having a Reltio account. The following topics in this section explain how to use the information provided on this page.