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Account information at a glance

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What is Account information?

Reltio provides the information about your organization's Reltio Data Cloud in an Asset Sheet.

The Asset Sheet provides this key information about your account:
  • General Information:
    Geographic Region of Tenants
    This is the geographic region within which your Reltio tenants have been provisioned and where your organization’s data will reside.
    Reltio Velocity Pack Applied to your Tenants
    This refers to the Reltio Velocity Pack that was applied to your DEV, TEST, and PROD Master Data Management (MDM) tenants and their accompanying Reference Data Management (RDM) tenants to closely support your business requirements.
    Regions for Address Cleanse
    The regions for which Address Cleansing is licensed and enabled are listed here.
    Additional Components Enabled
    Any additional components that you've licensed and enabled are listed here.
    Connectors Installed
    Reltio provides connectors to 3rd party applications to accelerate the integration and value of Reltio with other applications. If you licensed any connectors from Reltio, they are listed here.
    MDM Tenant Information
    • MDM Tenant ID - This is the unique identifier for an MDM tenant. Notice that the DEV, TEST, and PROD tenants each have their own unique identifier. When corresponding with Reltio regarding any tenant, perhaps via a Support ticket or email, use its unique identifier for reference.

    • MDM Tenant UI URL - This is the UI URL that Business Users and Data Stewards will use in their browser to access the tenant.

    • MDM Tenant API URL - When accessing your tenant programmatically from a calling application, use this URL.

    • MDM tenant auth URL - When a calling application wishes to make an API call to the tenant, it must obtain a token using this auth URL. Refer to the Authentication API documentation for more information.

    MDM Tenant Queue Info

    Each of your tenants was provisioned with an accompanying queue which is linked to receive events from the MDM tenant for use cases that rely on streaming events. This item in the Asset Sheet provides the details of the queue that you can provide to the calling application or integration technology that needs access to the queue.

    Note: All queues are disabled at the time you receive this information in anticipation of an Initial Data Load (IDL) into the tenant. To enable a queue, generally applicable after the IDL is completed, you can navigate to the Reltio Console / Tenant Management / External Queues, where you can simply enable streaming for the queue. The queue information mentioned above is also available within this section of the Console. For more information, see topic Edit an external queue configuration.
    Reference Data Management Tenant Information
    Each of the MDM tenants provisioned for you has been linked to a supporting Reference Data Management tenant which has been prepopulated with industry specific reference data according to the Velocity Pack used to provision your tenants:
    • RDM Tenant UI URL - This is the URL that Admins and Data Stewards will use to access the RDM tenant from their browser.

    • RDM Tenant API URL - When accessing your RDM tenant programmatically from a calling application, use the API version of the RDM tenant’s URL.

    • RDM tenant Auth URL - When a calling application wishes to make an API call to the RDM tenant, it must obtain a token using this RDM tenant auth URL. Refer to the Authentication API documentation for more information.

    Additional Reference Data Management information can be found at: Reference Data Management (RDM)

  • Licensed Limits for Consolidated Profiles

    Your license entitles you to a capacity of 200,000 Consolidated Profiles in your DEV tenant. The TEST tenant that is named as part of your Base Package is entitled to the same volume as your PROD tenant. If you licensed additional TEST tenants they may carry entitlements the same as or less than that of your PROD tenant. See your license contract for details about the volume of Consolidated Profiles licensed for your PROD and TEST tenants.

  • Designated Contacts

    The Reltio Support portal accepts ticket submission only from Designated Contacts within your organization. The Reltio support plan you licensed entitles you to a maximum number of named, Designated Contacts shown below. Review your license agreement to determine the number of Designated Contacts to which you're entitled.

Who is Account information for?

This content is curated for these Reltio user roles defined in topic About roles:

Business User Reltio Configurator System Administrator

Why would I use Account information?

As System Administrator, you need account information to add your organization's users to the Reltio Data Cloud. The named Designated Contacts are the only users in your organization permitted to submit tickets to the Reltio Support portal.

When would I use Account information?

You'll need your account information to confirm your subscription entitlements and Reltio Data Cloud assets.

Where do I find Account information ?

The Asset Sheet is emailed to the person listed as the Technical Contact on your organization's Reltio Data Cloud Order Form.