Unify and manage your data

Create grouping type configurations

Learn how to create a grouping type.

To create a grouping type, you need these previously configured data model elements in your tenant:
  • An entity type (for more information, see topic Create an Entity type).

  • A match rule — for the entity type that you'll use to create your grouping type — where you've selected the Automatically group option (for more information, see topic Creating a New Match Rule).
    Note: Don't configure match rules for entities you intend to use for a grouping type. You can't use existing entity type match rules for a grouping type.
  • A relationship type between the grouping and member entity types (for more information, see topic Creating New Relationship Types).

To create a grouping type:
  1. On the Console page, select the tenant you want to work with. For more information, see topic Select a tenant.
  2. From the app selector, select the Data Modeler application.

  3. In the Data Modeler page, select Grouping types.

  4. In the Grouping types pane, select CREATE NEW.

    The displayed Create new grouping type page contains four stages you need to complete to create your grouping type. The workflow displayed at the top of the page indicates the current stage you're in.
  5. In the Group entity stage, provide identification details for this grouping type and then select Continue:
    • Entity type: Select the entity type for which you want to create a group type. A new household group is stored with this entity type.

    • Group name: Enter a configuration name for the grouping type. View the URI for this name in your tenant configuration displayed below this field.

      Note: The system retrieves the Display name from the configuration of the entity you select as a grouping entity. You can't enter any text in this field.
    • Description: Optionally, enter a brief description for this grouping entity type.

  6. In the Member entity stage, define the relationship between this grouping type and an entity type whose members you want to include (up 50 members for a single household grouping type) and then select Continue:
    • Member entity type: From the drop-down list, select the entity type you want to group.
      Note: You can select only entity types that have defined at least:
      • One Automatically group match rule type, and

      • One Relationship between the entity type for which you have defined the Automatically group match rule type and the entity type you've selected at the Group entity stage.

    • Member rule: From the drop-down list, select an existing match rule for an automatic grouping rule that helps you find the members that need to be grouped.

      You can't configure match rules for the entity type you selected in the Member entity type field above.

    • Relationship type: From the drop-down list, select the relationship type to associate the member to the entity type for this grouping type.

    • Create groups for single members: Leave this at the default off setting, so a grouping type contains at least two members. Alternatively, to allow a grouping type to contain a single member, slide this switch to the right.

    • Member entity configuration: View the configuration you created for members of this grouping type.

  7. In the Attribute mapping stage, define which member attribute values to consider for the household data in this grouping type:
    • Group attribute: From the drop-down list, select the attribute from the group entity you want to receive the attribute value based on the mapping.

    • Function: From the drop-down list, select the function type you want to use to build your household data:
      • Fixed value: Enter a custom value for the attribute.

      • Sum of: Calculates the sum value for the selected the attribute.

      • Minimum of: Calculates the minimum value for the attribute.

      • Maximum of: Calculates the maximum value for the attribute.

      • Average of: Calculates the average value for the attribute.

      • Count of all members: Counts all members of the household.

      • Grouping rule: Populates the group configuration name as an attribute value.

      • Attribute value: Copies the attribute value from the member entity to the attribute of the grouping entity.

      • Attribute with source info: Copies the attribute value from the member entity to the attribute of the grouping entity. Also, it copies the source information of the attribute where the data is copied from.

      Note: Functions that are grayed out in this drop-down menu aren't applicable to the selected group attribute.
    • Member attribute: Enter a value for the selected Group attribute.

  8. Confirm the values displayed in the table at the bottom of the Attribute mapping page and then click Continue.

  9. In the Review stage, verify that your data is correct. Select Back to return to a previous stage to make any changes. When you're satisfied with your grouping type details, select Save.

  10. Back in the Grouping Types page, view the grouping type you just created.

Your grouping type is now in place. Every time a new record is created in the specified member entity type, the grouping service creates a new group based on this grouping type. If household member's data changes so they no longer meet the conditions in the grouping type match rule, the rule automatically removes them from this household and creates a new household for this member (depending on the setting of the Create groups for single members switch and that they meet the match conditions for another household).

For example, take a grouping type for members of the same household that have the last name Smith. If one of the members gets married and and changes their last name, for example to Johnson, the grouping service automatically removes this member from the Smith household group and attempts to create a new household for this member.

Example: Create a grouping type for the Smith household

Let's apply the steps above to a specific scenario. In this example, we'll create a grouping type for the members of the Smith family household and set conditions to determine the aggregate income of all household members. You could use this group to sell the Smiths home insurance polices.

Follow the steps above, filling in these details in stages 1-3:
Group entity
Provide details for this grouping type for which you want to create a new group each time a new record is created for a specified entity type:
  • Entity type: Select Household.

  • Group name: Enter Insurance_Household.

  • Description:: Enter Aggregate income of members of the Smith family with health insurance.

Member entity
Define a relationship between the entity type and an automatic grouping match rule:
  • Member entity type: Select Individual

  • Match rule: Select Grouping rule ExactLastNameAnd Address.

  • Relationship type: Select isHouseholdMemberHousehold –> Individual

Attribute mapping
  • A name that is common to all household members:
    • Group attribute: Select Name.

    • Function: Select Attribute value.

    • Member attribute: Select Last Name.

  • An aggregated income of all household members:
    • Group attribute: Select Total Income.

    • Functions: Select Sum of .

    • Member attribute: Select the Income.
      Note: The total income is based on the sum of income of all household members.