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Create an Entity type

Learn how to create a new entity type.

Use the Create New Entity Types feature in Data Modeler to create entity types using an user interface instead of a JSON file.

Watch this video to learn to create an entity type.

To create a new entity type:
  1. From the Applications menu,select Console.
  2. In the Console,select Data Modeler.
  3. In the left navigation pane, select Entity types. You will see the existing entity types on the right pane.
  4. Click CREATE NEW to create a new entity type. You will see the Add entity type page.
  5. To add an icon as the image to the entity that you are creating, select the edit (pen) icon on the image on the left. You can choose an icon from the ICON tab.

    In addition, you can choose a color from the color palette provided in the COLOR tab to change the background color of your icon.

    Click SELECT to apply your selection.

    In addition, you can choose a color from the color palette provided in the COLOR tab to change the background color of your icon.

    Note: After you have added an icon, you can click the remove icon () (cross symbol) on the image to remove the selected image. The selected icon is removed and the first character of the Display Name is shown as the image, by default.
  6. In the Name field, enter a unique name which is used in the URI that is the path to reach the entity type. For example: SalesDept. The URI for creating an entity type is configuration/entityTypes/.
    Tip: As a best practice, do not use special characters and spaces while creating entity types.
  7. In Display Name, enter a name that would identify your entity type in the user interface. For example: Sales.
    Note: If you had not selected an icon earlier, the first character of the Display Name is shown as the image, by default.
  8. Optionally, in the Inherited abstract entity type field, select the entity type that your new entity is based on. An Abstract entity type can be further expanded upon, if needed. For example, the Sales entity type could be a type of organization abstract entity.

  9. Select the Abstract Entity Type option to make this entity type an Abstract Entity Type that could be useful for creating other entity types.
  10. In the Data label pattern field, enter the pattern that is used to build the entity object label.
  11. Click More options. Optionally, you can specify the Secondary label pattern, any other attributes to be displayed in the Search Results and Profile pages as Business card attributes, and a Description for the entity type that you are creating.
    You can choose to save the details and add the attribute details at a later stage. Alternatively, you can go on to add the attributes for the entity type as the next step. To do so, click the SAVE AND ADD ATTRIBUTE button. The Create a new attribute page appears. To learn more about adding attributes, see Create entity type attributes.

    The new entity type is added to the Entity types page. If there are any validation errors or warnings in the details of the entity type, a small triangle is displayed on the entity type.

  12. Click Save.
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