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Status of an Export Task

Learn about the current status of an export task.

The possible values of the current status of a task are given below. All values are of 'String' type.

  • CANCELED: Indicates that a task was canceled.
  • CANCELING: Indicates that a task is preparing to turn into the CANCELED status.
  • COMPLETED: Indicates that a task is completed.
  • FAILED: Indicates that an error occurred during execution of a task.
  • PAUSED: Indicates that a task was paused.
  • PAUSING: Indicates that a task is preparing to turn into the PAUSED status.
  • PROCESSING: Indicates that a task is being executed now.
  • SCHEDULED: Indicates that a task is ready to be executed.
  • SCHEDULED_POLL: Indicates that the task is rescheduled due to a node failure or waiting for other tasks to complete their work.
  • WAITING: Indicates that a task is waiting for other tasks which belong to the same export job.
  • WAITING_FOR_QUEUE: Indicates that a task has to wait for CRUD/Match queues to be empty. This task doesn't block other tasks in the export node.
  • WAITING_FOR_RESOURCE: Indicates that a task is running on an export node and currently being throttled, if there's no available credits for the tenant within 10 minutes, the task will be paused and transitioned to SCHEDULED_POLL.
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