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Verifying Matches

Learn how to search for potential matches in JSON array entities in your tenant.

Use the Verify Matches to search for potential matches in JSON array entities in your tenant.

To optimize matching performance, the API performs matching in this order:
  1. Match tokens
  2. Match attributes
The Hub Profile perspective displays entities as potential matches based on the value of the following parameters in this API response:
  • intersection: This field must not be empty.
  • matched: This field is true if matched by both documents and tokens; otherwise, it is false.
  • matchedByDocuments: This field is true if matched by documents; otherwise, it is false.
Tip: We recommend that you first run this Verify Matches without the rules parameter to see if any token intersections are present. When you run this API with the rules parameter, the response contains only tokens for the specified rule or rules. The matching process compares tokens generated for all of the match rules, not just the rules specified in the API.


POST {TenantURL}/entities/_verifyMatches
Note: If the request contains an individual cleanser for any of the attributes, such as phone, email, or address, it is not used before matching because this API uses only cleansers that are specified in the match rules configuration.
Table 1. Parameters
HeadersCustomerTenantYesCustomer Tenant ID.-
DataTenantYesData Tenant ID.-
URI ParametersrulesYesEnabled match rules. POST {TenantURL}/entities/_verifyMatches?rules=configuration/entityTypes/HCP/matchGroups/PersonByNPISuspect2
Determines the information that will be available in a response. The user can assign the following values:
  • brief: Returns only rules and their explanations (current behavior)
  • full: Returns information about match documents values and entities versions
If show is set to full, the output has the following format:{ "matchDocuments": { "first": { "areEqual": true/false, "databaseDocument": {...}, "generatedDocument": {...} }, "second": { "areEqual": true/false, "databaseDocument": {...}, "generatedDocument": {...} } }, "versions": { "first": { "EntityVersion": value, "MatchDocumentVersion": value }, "second": { "EntityVersion": value, "MatchDocumentVersion": value } }, "rules": { "Rule1": {explanation}, "Rule2": {explanation}, ... } }
documentsFromDatabaseOptionalThe default value is false. If set to true, for existing entities, their actual documents from database will be used for explanation. If set to false, the documents will be regenerated for explanation (expected behavior).
checkOvercollisionedTokensOptionalThe default value is true. When it is true, the API checks if the match token phrases are marked as overcollisioned in the database. If yes, the match token phrases are represented as overcollisioned and removed from the intersection list. If set to false, the tokens list might contain overcollisioned tokens.
timeOptionalIf this parameter is specified, it returns the match document and the match token phrases built for the entity according to the entity state and business configuration state at the specified time. If you specify the time parameter, then the db parameter is ignored and effectively set to false. When the time parameter is specified, the API results may show some discrepancy based on the following:
  • The match documents and match tokens are generated on-the-fly because the historical information about match documents and match tokens is not available.
  • The explanation is built by using the current state of the API. As a result, if the match or survivorship rules have changed after the specified time, then the results of the explanation might differ from the actual results for the specified time.
  • If an entity refers to data that may change over time, such as lookups or environment configuration, user preferences, or permissions, then the currently available data or configuration is taken. The auto-generated values might not correspond to the actual ones.
  • The L3 configuration is selected by the timestamp of the history entry.
  • If an entity or the tenant configuration does not exist, then the request fails with a 404 error.
BodyYesA pair of entities to be matched. { "first":"entities/0000I77", "second":"entities/0000BLK" } { "first": { "type": "configuration/entityTypes/Individual", "attributes": { "FirstName": [ { "value": "Ernest" } ], "MiddleName": [ { "value": "Miller" } ], "LastName": [ { "value": "H." } ] } }, "second": { "type": "configuration/entityTypes/Individual", "attributes": { "FirstName": [ { "value": "Ernest" } ], "MiddleName": [ { "value": "M." } ], "LastName": [ { "value": "Hemingway" } ] } } }


Returns the match explanation for each matching group.


POST /Abc/entities/_verifyMatches { "first":{ "type":"configuration/entityTypes/HCP", "attributes":{ "LastName":[ { "value":"Stark" } ], "FirstName":[ { "value":"Ronald" } ], "Address":[ { "value":{ "City":[ { "value":"winterfell" } ], "StateProvince":[ { "value":"north" } ], "Country":[ { "value":"westeros" } ] } } ] }, "crosswalks":[ { "type":"configuration/sources/TWITTER", "value":"test1" } ] }, "second":{ "uri":"entities/03w0bJo" }, "matchGroups":[ { "uri":"configuration/entityTypes/HCP/matchGroups/RelevanceBasedRule", "label":"Automatic on load Addresses", "type":"relevance_based", "useOvOnly":"false", "rule":{ "exact":[ "configuration/entityTypes/HCP/attributes/FirstName", "configuration/entityTypes/HCP/attributes/LastName" ], "weights":[ { "attribute":"configuration/entityTypes/HCP/attributes/FirstName", "weight":"1" }, { "attribute":"configuration/entityTypes/HCP/attributes/LastName", "weight":"1" } ], "actionThresholds":[ { "type":"potential_match", "threshold":"0.6-1.0" } ] } }, { "uri":"configuration/entityTypes/HCP/matchGroups/RelevanceExactFirstName", "label":"Will be bypassed", "type":"relevance_based", "useOvOnly":"false", "rule":{ "exact":[ "configuration/entityTypes/HCP/attributes/FirstName" ], "weights":[ { "attribute":"configuration/entityTypes/HCP/attributes/FirstName", "weight":"1" } ], "actionThresholds":[ { "type":"potential_match", "threshold":"0.6-1.0" } ] } }, { "uri":"configuration/entityTypes/HCP/matchGroups/SuspectExactMiddleName", "label":"Exact middle name", "type":"suspect", "useOvOnly":"false", "rule":{ "exact":[ "configuration/entityTypes/HCP/attributes/MiddleName" ] } } ] }


Note: In relevance-based rules, the match property is excluded from the Verify Matches response, at the attribute level.
{ "summary": [ "There are common match tokens. These entities are considered as match candidates and will be checked according to the list of common applicable match rules.", "There are bypassed rules for the given entity type. Bypassed match rules do not participate in the matching process.", "No manually set 'not-matches' are found for the entities" ], "matchTokensSummary": { "firstTotal": 1, "secondTotal": 1, "common": [ "ronald:stark" ] }, "applicableMatchGroups": { "first": [ "configuration/entityTypes/HCP/matchGroups/RelevanceBasedRule", "configuration/entityTypes/HCP/matchGroups/RelevanceExactFirstName" ], "second": [ "configuration/entityTypes/HCP/matchGroups/RelevanceBasedRule", "configuration/entityTypes/HCP/matchGroups/RelevanceExactFirstName" ], "both": [ "configuration/entityTypes/HCP/matchGroups/RelevanceBasedRule", "configuration/entityTypes/HCP/matchGroups/RelevanceExactFirstName" ], "bypassed": [ "configuration/entityTypes/HCP/matchGroups/RelevanceExactFirstName" ] }, "rules": { "configuration/entityTypes/HCP/matchGroups/RelevanceBasedRule": { "label": "Automatic on load Addresses", "matched": true, "matchAction": "POTENTIAL_MATCH", "matchedByDocuments": true, "bypassed": false, "relevance": 1.0, "useOvOnly": false, "matchTokens": { "first": { "foundInMatchTables": false, "tokens": [ "ronald:stark" ], "tokensGenerated": 1 }, "second": { "foundInMatchTables": false, "tokens": [ "ronald:stark" ], "tokensGenerated": 1 }, "intersection": { "tokens": [ "ronald:stark" ] } }, "rule": { "relevance": 1.0, "and": [ { "exact": { "FirstName": { "ignoreInToken": false, "relevance": 1.0 }, "LastName": { "ignoreInToken": false, "relevance": 1.0 } }, "relevance": 1.0 } ] } }, "configuration/entityTypes/HCP/matchGroups/RelevanceExactFirstName": { "label": "Will be bypassed", "matched": false, "matchAction": "POTENTIAL_MATCH", "matchedByDocuments": true, "bypassed": true, "relevance": 1.0, "useOvOnly": false, "matchTokens": { "first": { "foundInMatchTables": false, "tokens": [ "ronald" ], "tokensGenerated": 1 }, "second": { "foundInMatchTables": false, "tokens": [ "ronald" ], "tokensGenerated": 1 }, "intersection": { "tokens": [ "ronald" ] } }, "rule": { "relevance": 1.0, "and": [ { "exact": { "FirstName": { "ignoreInToken": false, "relevance": 1.0 } }, "relevance": 1.0 } ] } }, "configuration/entityTypes/HCP/matchGroups/SuspectExactMiddleName": { "label": "Exact middle name", "matched": false, "matchedByDocuments": false, "bypassed": false, "useOvOnly": false, "matchTokens": { "first": { "foundInMatchTables": true, "tokensGenerated": 0 }, "second": { "foundInMatchTables": true, "tokensGenerated": 0 }, "intersection": {} }, "rule": { "and": [ { "exact": { "MiddleName": { "match": false, "ignoreInToken": false } } } ] }, "manualMatches": { "notMatches": { "03w0bJo": [ { "id": "02Yae1", "updatedTime": 1699463284016, "updatedBy": "User" } ] }, "asMatches": { "03w0bJo": [ { "id": "01oRn9", "updatedTime": 1699463274839, "updatedBy": "User" } ] }, "effectiveNotMatches": { "03w0bJo": [ "02Yae1" ] }, "effectiveAsMatches": { "03w0bJo": [ "01oRn9" ] } } } } }
This table describes the fields in the response.
foundInMatchTablesIndicates whether C* MATCH_TOKENS CF contains all the listed tokens.
tokensProvides a list of all the match tokens generated for the match rules configured for the entity type.
intersectionProvides a list of common tokens for the entities.
setAsNotMatchIndicates that the entities are marked as "Not a Match".
alreadySubscribedShows that the CT entity is already subscribed to the DT entity
labelDisplays the description of the match rule
useOvOnlyDisplays the OV strategy chosen for the match rule.
ignoreInTokenExcludes the particular attribute from the match token.
summaryContains information, for the checked entities, on:
  • The existence, or nonexistence of common tokens, and whether they are considered as match candidates.
  • Applicable bypassed rules.
  • Manually set matches and not-matches.
matchTokensSummaryContains the following details:
  • Information about the total number of tokens generated for both entities from the body request according to the bypassed rules (tokens generated by the bypassed rules are not counted).
  • Match tokens common to both entities (excluding tokens generated by bypassed rules, and, overcollisioned tokens if detected).
applicableMatchGroupsDisplays the list of match rules applicable to the first, second, or both entities in the request body. Also, displays the bypassed rules if they exist.
Note: If a rule is bypassed, the matched field will always be false.
manualMatchesDisplays information when any of the entities in the request body are manually set asMatches, or as notMatches.
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