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Search Overcollisioned Tokens API

Searches overcollisioned tokens in a tenant. Overcollisioned tokens can appear according to the matchTokenCollisionsLimit parameter of physical tenant.



Post {TenantURL}/entities/_matches/_searchOvercollisioned
{ "pageSize" : 10 }


{ "cursor": { "cursor": "eyJtYXRjaFRva2VuIjoidGVzdDEyM2VkbWlkZGxlbmFtZSA0NTYiLCJwYWdlU2l6ZSI6MTB9" }, "objects": [ { "token": "test123edmiddlename 456", "id_sample": "0001wPJ", "idsCount": 6, "matchRuleLabels": [ "MatchByMiddleName" ] }, { "token": "van", "id_sample": "0000I77", "idsCount": 7, "matchRuleLabels": [ "MatchByMiddleName" ] } ] }
Table 1. Parameters
Variable Required Details
pageSize Yes Determines amount of overcollisioned items to be returned
cursor No Defines “cursor” which will be used to continue search of overcollisioned tokens after first data fetch.

Sample request body with cursor variable:


Post {TenantURL}/entities/_matches/_searchOvercollisioned
{ "pageSize" : 1, "cursor":"eyJtYXRjaFRva2VuIjoidmFuIiwicGFnZVNpemUiOjF9" }


{ "cursor": { "cursor": "eyJtYXRjaFRva2VuIjoidGVzdDEyM2VkbWlkZGxlbmFtZSA0NTYiLCJwYWdlU2l6ZSI6MX0=" }, "objects": [ { "token": "test123edmiddlename 456", "id_sample": "0001wPJ", "idsCount": 6, "matchRuleLabels": [ "MatchByMiddleName" ] } ] }
Note: Only first request body is allowed to be without a cursor value. You should provide a new cursor value for each request, (cursor value from previous response), to be able to get the next portion of overcollisioned data. As soon as the cursor value in response stops to change, it shows there is no more data to fetch.