Unify and manage your data

Iterate Match Tokens

Iterate through match tokens in a specified tenant.

This function allows you to iterate through match tokens in a specified tenant. Each request returns a specified number of entities (see the pageSize parameter of the initial request) and cursor that should be provided as a parameter of the next request to retrieve the next data portion.


POST {TenantURL}/entities/_matches/_dbScan
Table 1. Parameters
Parameter Required Description
Headers Authorization Yes Information about authentication access token in format "Bearer <accessToken>" (for more information see Authentication API.
Body Request definition Yes JSON object defining the request. When requesting first portion of data JSON object should have pageSize to limit the count of match tokens in the response. All subsequent requests should contain cursor that defines how to continue data requesting. Examples: First request: { "pageSize" : 100 } Subsequent requests: { "cursor": "eyJtYXRjaMTB9" } Options:
  • pageSize- specifies how many match tokens to return in each request.


JSON object with the cursor specification and response part.

First Request/Get First 100 Match Tokens

POST {TenantURL}/entities/_matches/_dbScan Headers: Authorization: Bearer c3f28fdd-e082-4f90-8840-9896914eaf41 { "pageSize" : 100 }


POST {TenantURL}/entities/_matches/_dbScan Headers: Authorization: Bearer c3f28fdd-e082-4f90-8840-9896914eaf41 { "cursor" : { "cursor": "eyJtYXRjaFRva2VuIjoiOTEyMDY6MTUzMCBlIGNoZXZ5IGNoYXNlIGRyOmdsZW5kYWxlOmNhOnVuaXRlZCBzdGF0ZXMiLCJwYWdlU2l6ZSI6MTB9" }, "objects" : [ { "token" : "85205:6118 e brown rd:mesa:az:united states", ids : ["01SxptR"] } ... ] }

Next Request

POST {TenantURL}/entities/_matches/_dbScan Headers: Authorization: Bearer c3f28fdd-e082-4f90-8840-9896914eaf41 { "cursor": "eyJtYXRjaFRva2VuIjoiOTEyMDY6MTUzMCBlIGNolU2l6ZSI6MTB9" }


POST {TenantURL}/entities/_matches/_dbScan Headers: Authorization: Bearer c3f28fdd-e082-4f90-8840-9896914eaf41 { "cursor" : { "cursor": "eyJtYXRjaFRva2VuIjoiMDE1NzkwMjppbXMgaWQiLCJwYWdlU2l6ZSI6MTB9" }, "objects" : [ { "token" : "2440509:abc id", ids : ["000CFk1"] } ... ] }