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Get tokenization schemes API

Learn to get detailed information about tokenization schemes of match rules.

GET /reltio/tools/matching/{tenantId}/tokenizationSchemes/{entityType} ?scopes={comma-sep list} &types={comma-sep list} &rules={comma-sep list}
Table 1. Parameters
NameRequiredDescriptionDefault value
entityTypeYesThe type of entity from where the tokenization schemes are retrieved.-
scopesNoThe scope of the match group that is being considered for the result.ALL,INTERNAL,EXTERNAL,NONE
rulesNoThe match group URIs that will be considered for the result.All
typesNoThe types of match groups that are being considered for the result.All
includeRulesNo The match group URIs to include in the output when the tokenization schemes are retrieved. This filters the schemesAnalysisExplanations response to return only the match groups you want. null (Enter a value to filter the response.)
Note: The filtering parameters scopes, types and rules are applied with the AND logic.


Returns the details of tokenization schemes for each matching group.


GET /reltio/tools/matching/{tenantId}/tokenizationSchemes/Individual


{ "matchRulesTotal": 10, "distinctTokenizationSchemesTotal": 6, "attributeStats": { "participants": [ "FirstName", "..." ] }, "operandStats":[ { "operand": "exact", "total": 15, "schemesWithOperand": [ "scheme1", "scheme2" ] }, ... ], "cleanserStats": { "NameDictionaryCleanser": [ "configuration/entityTypes/Individual/matchGroups/MatchGroup1", "" ], "RegexpReplaceCleanser": [ "configuration/entityTypes/Individual/matchGroups/MatchGroup1", "" ] }, "tokenizationSchemes": [ { "id": "scheme1", "humanReadableTokenizationScheme": "exact(FirstName,matchTokenClassId1):fuzzy(LastName,matchTokenClassId2):...", "matchGroups": [ "configuration/entityTypes/Individual/matchGroups/MatchGroup1", "" ] } ], "matchTokenClasses": [ { "id": "matchTokenClassId1", "class": "ExactMatchToken", "parameters": [ {} ], "matchGroups": [ "configuration/entityTypes/Individual/matchGroups/MatchGroup1", "" ], "attributes": [ "FirstName", "" ] } ], "matchGroups": [ { "uri": "configuration/entityTypes/Individual/matchGroups/MatchGroup1", "label": "some label", "type": "suspect", "tokenizationSchemes": [ "scheme1", "" ], "ignoreInToken": [ "FirstName", "" ] } ], "schemesAnalysis": { "schemesWithTheSameAttributes": [ [ { "schemeId": "scheme1", "humanReadableTokenizationScheme": "exact(FirstName, matchTokenClassId2):exact(MiddleName, matchTokenClassId2)" }, { "schemeId": "scheme3", "humanReadableTokenizationScheme": "exact(MiddleName, matchTokenClassId2):exact(FirstName, matchTokenClassId2)" } ], ... ], "sameSchemesWithDifferentClasses": [ [ { "schemeId": "scheme1", "humanReadableTokenizationScheme": "exact(FirstName, matchTokenClassId2)" }, { "schemeId": "scheme2", "humanReadableTokenizationScheme": "exact(FirstName, matchTokenClassId1)" } ] ], "sameSchemesWithDifferentAttributesOrder": [ [ { "schemeId": "scheme1", "humanReadableTokenizationScheme": "exact(FirstName, matchTokenClassId2):exact(MiddleName, matchTokenClassId2)" }, { "schemeId": "scheme3", "humanReadableTokenizationScheme": "exact(MiddleName, matchTokenClassId2):exact(FirstName, matchTokenClassId2)" } ] ], "nonSchemeGeneratingRules": [ "configuration/entityTypes/Individual/matchGroups/JustComparatorGroup" ], "excessStrictSchemes": { "byAttributes": [ { "loseScheme": { "schemeId": "scheme8", "humanReadableTokenizationScheme": "equals(FirstName, [someValue])" }, "strictSchemes": [ { "schemeId": "scheme9", "humanReadableTokenizationScheme": "fuzzy(FirstName, matchTokenClassId2):equals(FirstName, [someValue])" }, { "schemeId": "scheme7", "humanReadableTokenizationScheme": "exact(LastName, matchTokenClassId2):equals(FirstName, [someValue])" } ] }, ... ], "byFull": [ { "loseScheme": { "schemeId": "scheme11", "humanReadableTokenizationScheme": "exact(LastName, matchTokenClassId2)" }, "strictSchemes": [ { "schemeId": "scheme2", "humanReadableTokenizationScheme": "exact(LastName, matchTokenClassId2):exact(MiddleName, matchTokenClassId2)" }, { "schemeId": "scheme7", "humanReadableTokenizationScheme": "exact(LastName, matchTokenClassId2):equals(FirstName, [someValue])" } ] }, ... ] } } }
The following table explains the fields in the response:
matchRulesTotalThe total number of match rules analyzed. The number depends on the request parameters.
distinctTokenizationSchemesTotalThe number of distinct tokenization schemes.
attributeStatsOverall statistics of attributes participating in tokenization schemes.
attributeStats.participantsA list of attributes participating in the analysis.
operandStatsOverall statistics of operands participating in tokenization schemes.
cleanserStatsOverall statistics for cleansers.
cleanserStats.NameDictionaryCleanserA list of match rules where the NameDictionaryCleanser is applied.
cleanserStats.RegexpReplaceCleanserA list of match rules where the RegexpReplaceCleanser is applied.
cleanserStats.TransliterateCleanserA list of match rules where the TransliterateCleanser is applied.
tokenizationSchemesDescribes the tokenization schemes.
tokenizationSchemes.idAutogenerated identifier of a tokenization scheme.
tokenizationSchemes.humanReadableTokenizationSchemeDescribes the tokenization scheme having operands, attributes and match token classes that are separated by colon. multi([FirstName, matchTokenClassId1:LastName, matchTokenClassId2],matchTokenClassId3):multi([GeoAttribute.latitude, GeoAttribute.longitude],matchTokenClassId4):fuzzy(Address.AddressLine1, matchTokenClassId5):equals(Status,[Active,On])
tokenizationSchemes.matchGroupsA list of match groups that use the particular tokenization scheme.
matchTokenClassesProvides information about match token classes.
matchTokenClasses.idAutogenerated ID of the match token class. The ID is unique and a new ID is generated for match token classes with different parameters.
matchTokenClasses.className of the match token class.
matchTokenClasses.parametersA list of parameters in the match token class.
matchTokenClasses.matchGroupsA list of match groups in the match token class.
matchTokenClasses.attributesA list of attributes having the match token class.
matchGroupsProvides information about the match groups.
matchGroups.uriURI of the match group.
matchGroups.labelLabel of the match.
matchGroups.typeType of match group.
matchGroups.tokenizationSchemesA list of tokenization schemes generated by the match group.
matchGroups.ignoreInTokenA list of attributes that are ignored in a token for the match group.
schemesAnalysisThe analysis of the tokenization schemes.
schemesAnalysis.schemesWithTheSameAttributesThe tokenization schemes that have the same attributes scheme.
schemesAnalysis.sameSchemesWithDifferentClassesThe tokenization schemes that differ only by match token classes.
schemesAnalysis.sameSchemesWithDifferentAttributesOrderThe tokenization schemes that differ by the order of attributes.
schemesAnalysis.nonSchemeGeneratingRulesA list of the match groups that do not generate any schemes.
schemesAnalysis.excessStrictSchemesThe tokenization schemes having additional attributes compared to the other schemes.
schemesAnalysis.excessStrictSchemes.byAttributesThe tokenization schemes having additional attributes compared to the other schemes. Compared only by attributes.
schemesAnalysis.excessStrictSchemes.byAttributes.loseSchemeThe tokenization schemes having fewer attributes.
schemesAnalysis.excessStrictSchemes.byAttributes.strictSchemesThe tokenization schemes having more attributes.
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