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Analyzing Match Rules

Analyze the performance of match rules

You can use an API to analyze the performance of match rules that are part of a tenant L3 configuration. This report is generated in the HTML format and contains suggestions (if any) to improve the performance of match rules. The report is written to a generic bucket or S3 bucket.


Tenant admin role is required:

POST (ApplicationURL)/analyzeMatchRules

Tenant Role is required:

POST {ApplicationURL}/tools/{tenantId}/analyzeMatchRules
Table 1. Parameters
Parameter Required Description
tenantId Yes ID of the tenant.
entityType No Entity type to filter from the entire set of entity types represented in a configuration (L3). If not specified, all entity types are represented in the report.
s3Bucket Yes Defines the S3 bucket where the file will be written. This parameter is deprecated.
s3Region Yes Defines the AWS region of the S3 bucket.
s3Pathout Yes Determines the path where the report is stored in the S3 bucket (including folders, if necessary). This parameter is deprecated.
bucket No Defines the bucket where the source file must reside and where the result file will be created.
path No Determines the path to a source file in a bucket (including folders, if necessary).
pathOut No Determines the path where the output result file will be created in a bucket (including folders, if necessary).
Table 2. Additional Header Keys Definition
Header Key Name Required Value Description
awsAccessKey No S3 access key for the Amazon bucket.
awsSecretKey No

S3 secret key for the Amazon bucket.

googleCredentials No This must contain the GCP Service Key Account JSON.
  • The awsAccessKey and awsSecretKey parameters must be escaped if they contain special characters and passed as URI parameters. As they are Base64 encoded, they can contain '+' and '/' character and while '/' can be passed directly in the URI, '+' must be escaped as %2B. However, it is not recommended to pass them as URI parameters.
  • The services for both GCP and S3 will work at the same time. However, Reltio recommends to use parameters for only one service at a time GCP or S3.

The request body is optional. If the body contains an L3 configuration in JSON format, the API call uses it instead of the tenant L3 configuration.

Using analyzeMatchRules


POST https://pilot.reltio.com/reltio/tools/PgEU1nH4h32UQmc/analyzeMatchRules?&s3Region=us-east-1&awsSecretKey=SECRETKEY&s3PathOut=Result.html&s3Bucket=yaa.temp


{ "status": "success", "url": "http://yaa.temp.s3.amazonaws.com/Result_PgEU1nH4h32UQmc.html" }

In case of successful execution, the Result.html file is written to your S3 bucket based on the parameters provided in the request.

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