Unify and manage your data

Import Entity

Using this API you can import records from the customer tenant or data tenant.


GET {SbcApiUrl}/{tenant}/{profile}/{source}/import
Table 1. Parameters
Type Name Required Description
Headers Authorization Yes
Path SbcApiUrl Yes SBC service URL
tenant Yes Tenant ID
profile Yes Profile name
source Source of entity: ct - Customer tenant, dt - Data tenant
Query sObject Yes sObject type
recordTypeId no Record Type Id of the Salesforce object
uri Yes Entity URI
ownerId No The User Id that is set as the owner Id of the created object. If the owner Id is not specified, the service user becomes the owner of the sObject.

Request Example

GET https://idev-01-sfdc-sbc-api.reltio.com/account360/profileName/ct/import?sObject=Account&recordTypeId=123600000CiouYYu&uri=entities/gFtr12

Response Example

  "success": true,
  "type": "Account",
  "id": "1231U00000GTORJQZ4",
  "errors": [],
  "relatedObjects": [
      "success": true,
      "type": "Address_vod__c",
      "id": "0031U00000GTORJQA5",
      "errors": []
      "success": false,
      "type": "Address_vod__c",
      "errors": [
        "Required fields are missing: [Name]"