Unify and manage your data

Configure batch mode

Learn how to configure batch processing for D&B Data Blocks integration.

To configure Reltio Enrichment with D&B (Data Blocks) in batch mode:
  1. Enable Connections

    Navigate to Base → Recipes, then Assets → Recipes → Connections → Disconnected to enable the connection.

    Table 1. Connection Details
    Connection NameDescription
    D&B | CON | D&B Connection to S3 Upload location

    Select None for Authentication type.

    Select Connect.

  2. Populate Environment Properties

    Navigate to Tools → Properties to populate the necessary properties.

    Table 2. Environment Properties
    Property NameDescription
    D&B Customer KeyPopulate D&B Customer Key
    D&B Customer Key MD5Populate D&B Customer Key
    Note: D&B Customer Key and MD5 need to be generated from customer API keys. Please refer to D&B Documentation to generate these keys.
  3. Populate Lookups

    Navigate to Tools → Lookup tables to populate lookup tables.

    Table 3. Lookup Tables
    Property NameValueDescription
    Reltio Export Filter Conditions(equals(sourceSystems,'Salesforce') and equals(sourceSystems,'DnB') and startsWith(attributes.Name,'Z'))Populate the Reltio attributes/audit based filter to enrich the filtered dataset. This property value is mandatory for Batch Process.
    Batch Size8000For D&B Batch Submission, the maximum batch size allowed is 8,000 records per API submission.
    Note: In case of any failures such as excessive memory consumption or the request is too large, it is recommended to reduce the batch size to smaller numbers.
    This property value is mandatory for Batch Process.
    Do not MergefalseIf the flag is true, the match record is created as a potential match. If the flag is false the match record is created based on the confidence code. This property defaults to false, if left blank.

    In case of enrichment via Rest API, the value for this property isn't taken from the Lookup Table. Instad, the API parameter is used.

  4. Enable Recipes

    Navigate to Base → Recipes, then Assets → Recipes or Projects → {Project Name} → {Location} to start recipes.

    Table 4. Recipes Details
    Recipe NameLocation
    D&B | PROC | Batch Enrichment - Multi Process extmatch (Main Recipe)Batch Processing → Request Process
    D&B | PROC | Batch Enrichment - Submit D&B Jobs
    D&B | PROC | Export Reltio Entities - Get Download URLs
    D&B | FUNC | Batch Execution ReportBatch Processing → Result Process
    D&B | PROC | D&B Submitted Jobs Manager
    D&B | PROC | Process D&B Job Result
    D&B | SYS | Process D&B Results - Get Entity Responses
    D&B | FUNC | Batch Recipes Duration: JobsJob Stats
    D&B | FUNC | Batch Notification Handler: Recipe_NotifcationHandler
  5. Enable APIs

    Navigate to API platform → API collections → D&B REST API Collections to enable the API for batch mode.

    Table 5. API Details
    API NameDescription
    D&B | API | REST API for Batch EnrichmentActivate endpoint
  6. Enable Trigger Recipe

    Navigate to Base → Recipes, then Assets → Recipes or Projects → {Project Name} → {Location} to configure and start recipes.

    Table 6. Trigger Recipes
    Recipe NameLocation
    D&B | TRG | Scheduler for Batch EnrichmentBatch Processing → Request Process - Trigger
    D&B | API | REST API for Batch Enrichment
    Note: Pick one or both triggers above. Batch can be scheduled using a cron expression and/or invoked manually or externally using the API endpoint.
    Trigger jobs by setting up a Custom schedule with cron expressions or choosing Daily, Weekly, or Monthly from the Time unit dropdown. For example, trigger at 10:30 PM, on day 24 of the month:

    After configuring the trigger, start the recipe: