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Operate Reltio Enrichment with D&B (Data Blocks)

Learn about the operational procedures for integrating D&B with Data Blocks in the Reltio Integration Hub.

Here are the operational procedures for Reltio Enrichment with D&B (Data Blocks).


Access to RIH - Required Roles

Integration administrators will require either of the following roles in order to access RIH. Please work with your customer administrator to obtain either of these roles.



On-Demand Users - Required Roles

On-demand users will require either the following roles in order to view and use the D&B enrichment buttons on the Organization side panel.


Client Credential - Required Scope

One dedicated Client Credential is recommended to be used as a service account to extract data from the customer tenant and be able to write D&B data back to the customer tenant. At minimum the following scope is required:


If metadata security was applied to the tenant then the client credential will need additional scope that is able to: CREATE, READ, UPDATE, DELETE, MERGE and UNMERGE for the Organization , Individual and Location entityTypes as well as the following relationships: DnBHierarchy , OrganizationHasAddress , IndividualEmployer .


"clientId": "D&B_DataBlocks_Enrichment_Process", "scope": [ "ROLE_API", "CUSTOM_ROLE_WITH_METADATA_PERMISSIONS" ], "authorities": [], "resourceIds": [], "authorizedGrantTypes": [ "client_credentials" ], "clientDescription": "Used in Clients' tenant for D&B Data Blocks Enrichment", "clientName": "Client", "clientEmail": "email@email.com", "redirectUri": [], "accessTokenValidity": 3600, "refreshTokenValidity": null, "clientAuthenticationMethods": [ "client_secret_post", "client_secret_basic" ], "enabled": true

If your D&B API keys have been rotated be sure to update them in Connections and environment properties - if using batch you’ll need to also regenerate the customer key and MD5.

If your Client Credential secret has been rotated, be sure to update it in Connections.

If your SQS Secret has been rotated, be sure to update it in Connections.

If your IAM policy has changed, be sure to update it in Connections.

If you have rotated API Platform client auth tokens please be sure to update the RIH Profile (via Reltio Support ticket) and/or calling applications as needed.

Configurable Enrichment and Environment Properties

The pre-built Integration provides you with configurable properties under the D&B Recipe Properties lookup table and the Environment Properties. Properties can be tweaked based on business requirements, for example confidence code thresholds for automatic vs. suspect match can be changed. Export filter criteria (for batch mode) can also be changed. Etc.

Job Observability

How to Monitor Job Status


Once the Input file is submitted to D&B in Batch Process, we will get the Job Started Email Notification - Shows Number of Reltio Entities exported and Number of D&B Jobs submitted.

Once Recipe jobs are completed, the job status will be updated in D&B Job Execution Statistics - Lookup Table and will be getting Email Notifications. Based on Processing Mode, it will be displayed in the Stats table and email.

If we got any error message in Email notification or Error Logs field, look into the D&B Logs Lookup Table for detailed logs.

Error Logs

Email Notification

D&B Logs Lookup Table


Once Recipe jobs are completed, the job status will be updated in D&B Job Execution Statistics - Lookup Table and will be getting Email Notifications. Based on Processing Mode, it will be displayed in the Stats table and email.

Real-Time / On-Demand

Once Recipe jobs are completed, the job status will be updated in D&B Job Execution Statistics - Lookup Table and will be getting Email Notifications. Based on Processing Mode, it will be displayed in Statistics table and email.

Access to Detailed Logs and Statistics

In case of any error user can go to the D&B Logs lookup table and find the detailed logs and error message for the job. For each job the stats will be captured and will be placed in D&B Job Execution Statistics lookup table.

Email Notification(s)

Once a job is completed the user(s) will receive an Email to the email Id’s provided in Email Notification property in D&B Recipe Properties lookup table. The Email will contain the date, filter, stats, processing mode, duration, etc. Multiple emails can be added to receive an Email Notification with stats and other information.

RIH Recipe Tasks

We can get recipes task count information’s from Dashboard Menu in RIH. Based on the filter applied, the details will be displayed similar to the below screenshot.

Enable / Disable Enrichment Modes

Ensure appropriate configuration has been done for the required modes of operation.

If required to disable a specific mode, simply stopping the Trigger recipe will suffice.


Remember to disable Real-Time enrichment when running bulk processes in your tenant. More importantly, disable the dedicated SQS streaming destination to not flood it with events.


[DEV] D&B | TRG-SQS | Real Time Enrichment

Start/Stop this recipe. Jobs will be triggered as in when records are Created or Updated for Organization Entity (or based on the Type filter on the SQS streaming destination).


[DEV] D&B | API | Real Time Enrichment – Rest API

Start/Stop this recipe.


D&B | TRG | Scheduler for Batch Enrichment

Start/Stop this recipe. Jobs can be triggered by scheduling the cron expressions via Custom schedule or can specify Daily/Weekly/Monthly in the Time Unit dropdown.

D&B | API | REST API for Batch Enrichment

Start/Stop this recipe


D&B | TRG | Monitoring Trigger Recipe

Start/Stop this recipe

Enabling / Disabling API Endpoints

  1. Navigate to Tools → API Platform

  2. Navigate to API collections

  3. Navigate to D&B Rest API Collections

  4. Select either D&B | API | REST API for Batch Enrichment or D&B | API | Real Time Enrichment - REST API

  5. Active / Deactivate the endpoints as needed


Disabling the D&B | API | Real Time Enrichment - REST API will cause the on-demand buttons to stop working.

External Applications / Manual API Requests

It is possible to utilize the Real-Time and/or Batch APIs by making requests through external applications and/or manually through tools like Postman. You’ll need to create an authorization token for this purpose and utilize the APIs with the correct parameters.

Create an access token for APIs
  1. Navigate to Tools → API Platform

  2. Navigate to Clients and select +New Client

  3. Give the client a name like API Client and select Add client

  4. Select the new client and select + Create access profile

  5. Give the profile a name and select the D&B REST API Collections for API collections to include. Select Authentication method Auth Token. Optionally configure IP whitelisting. Press Save

  6. Store and share the auth token as needed

D&B | API | Real Time Enrichment – Rest API

Use the below endpoints to trigger the Real-Time Enrichment via REST API.

api-tokenAuth Token
doNotMergeIf the flag is 'true', the match record will be created as a potential match. If the flag is 'false' the match record will be created based on the confidence code. By default, 'false' will be selected if this property is left blank.
entityURIThe Entity ID of Reltio Profile which must be enriched.
dataBlocksThe datablocks provided here will be taken as input to D&B, also those datablocks properties should be set to Yes in D&B Recipe Properties lookup table. By default, the dataBlocks set as Yes in properties table will be taken as input to D&B.

D&B | API | REST API for Batch Enrichment

Use the below endpoints to trigger the Batch Enrichment via REST API.

api-tokenAuth Token
FilterPopulate the Reltio attributes/audit-based filter, to enrich the filtered dataset.
doNotMergetrue or false. If the flag is 'true', the match record will be created as a potential match. If the flag is 'false' the match record will be created based on the confidence code. By default, 'false' will be selected if this property is left blank.

Changes to Batch Recipes

Batch - Changes to attributes required for D&B Input File Submission

D&B | PROC | Export Reltio Entities – Get Download URLs

Update the attributes to be exported, under Variable - varExportAttributes based on Reltio Data Model. It must contain only the attributes required for D&B Input File submission.

D&B | PROC | Batch Enrichment – Submit D&B Jobs

Parse JSON (Step 6) - If there are any changes in the Reltio Attributes Name, update the JSON structure in this step under Sample Document section. The sample JSON structure is required to parse the JSON and generate the datapills.

D&B | FUNC | Prepare Input Parameters

Javascript (Step 3) – addressType, phoneType, emailType are optional fields. Customer can provide the Address Type, Phone Type and Email Type values in Properties Lookup Table and based on that if any data is present in record level, it will be picked and used as input for Matching records in D&B. If these fields are left blank in Lookup Table, the default behavior is to pick the first value available from these attributes.

Batch - Changes to Job Alert Notification Interval

D&B | PROC | D&B Submitted Jobs Manager

Variables (Step 4) – After the Input file submission to D&B, the response from the submitted D&B jobs takes more than 1 hour, then Alert Notification will be sent in every 1-hour time interval. To increase the time interval (in hours) update the variable – varTimeInterval.

Batch - Changes to D&B File Structure

D&B | PROC | Process D&B Result

Parse JSON (Step 9) - If there are any changes in the D&B response JSON structure, update in this step under Sample Document section. The sample JSON structure is required to parse the JSON and generate the datapills.

Call a recipe function (Step 28) – “D&B | SYS | Process D&B Results - Get Entity Responses” this recipe will be called to get the crosswalk details for the records based on Reltio URI. We have to pass the required “filter” conditions and “select” values to Scan Entities API steps added in this callable recipe.

Execute Ruby code (Step 42) - If user wants to add/update in Input field - OrganizationList , then they have to make changes in child recipes as well. The output data from Parse JSON step has to be added as Flattened List format under this Input Field. For example, if user wants to add new field and that specific field data is in array format, then they have to use Workato formulas similar to “tradeStyleNames ” field. By using .join(“~#~”) will concatenate all array values into string. Note: We have to provide the data only in String format in this Input field.

D&B | SYS | Batch Update Company Information

Call a recipe function (Step 6) – “D&B | SYS | Batch Company Info - Get Entity Responses” this recipe will be called to get the crosswalk details for the records based on DUNS Number. We have to pass the required “filter” conditions and “select” values to Scan Entities API steps added in this callable recipe.

List (Step 37) –The Flattened List format has to converted into String and Array values. Based on the attribute changes in “D&B | PROC | Process D&B Result” recipe step – Execute Ruby Code (Step 42) , update the schema in this Organization List and Execute Ruby Code (Step 39) schema.

Batch - Changes to D&B → Reltio Inbound Mappings

D&B | SYS | Batch Update Company Information - Reltio Load

Create Entities in Bulk in Reltio (Step 8) – If there is any change/update in the attributes mapping, update it as per the Data Model.

D&B | SYS | Batch Update Hierarchy Connections

Call a recipe function (Step 7, Step 46, Step 88) – “D&B | SYS | Batch Hierarchy Connections - Get Entity Responses” this recipe will be called to get the crosswalk details for the records based on DUNS Number. We have to pass the required “filter” conditions and “select” values to Scan Entities API steps added in this callable recipe.

Changes to Monitoring Recipes

Monitoring - Changes to S3 Directory and File Deletion Logic
D&B | TRG | Monitoring Trigger Recipe

Start/Stop this recipe

D&B | PROC | Monitoring Main Recipe

Start/Stop this recipe

D&B | PROC | Process Monitoring Files

Start/Stop this recipe

Monitoring - Changes to File Structure or Fields
D&B | PROC | Process Monitoring Data in batch

Start/Stop this recipe

Changes to API Platform

When switching between API environments (e.g., DEV to PROD), make sure that all related settings, connections, and recipes are updated accordingly.

Configuration Changes for Batch

Make necessary changes in the D&B Recipe Properties lookup table and Environment Properties for batch processes.

Update the attributes for the recipes accordingly to match the new data model requirements and any new mappings.

Configuration Changes for Real-Time

Update the attributes and configurations for real-time recipes to ensure proper handling of data enrichment and synchronization with D&B.

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