Unify and manage your data

Edit match rule

Learn how to edit match rules in the Data Modeler.

You may need to edit a previously created match rule for your own needs or to fix a performance issue identified by the Proactive Monitoring System.

The Proactive Monitoring System continuously monitors match rules processing and automatically skips over rules that are hindering performance. If you subscribed to notifications, the Proactive Monitoring System lists in the Notifications page details of any bypassed match rules in your tenant and provides a link to the match rule in the Match Rules tab in the Console.

A red warning icon on the Match Rules tab indicates that match rules need to be fixed. At the top of the Match rules page, a notification indicates the number of match rules that need to be fixed. The Proactive Monitoring System will continue to bypass match rules with performance issues until you fix the problem.

Whenever a rule is detected for the review, the match rule analysis is automatically triggered. You must fix the configuration of the match rule based on the recommendations provided in the ANALYZE tool, which is available in the top-right of Match rules page. For more information about Proactive Monitoring System, see Proactive Monitoring System.
Note: To fix complex match rules that are not supported in the rule builder, edit the L3 configuration.

To edit a match rule:

  1. Navigate to the Match Rules page:
    • On the Notifications page, click a match rules entry.


    • From the Applications menu at the top-right of the Console page, select Console and under the Configuration section select Data Modeler. On the Entity type page, from the list select Tenant, and then select the Match Rules tab.
  2. In the MATCH RULES tab, hover your mouse cursor over the desired match rule and in the displayed Action menu, select Edit.
  3. In the Edit match rule panel, click the Edit icon to update the Rules or Details.
    If you are fixing a performance problem identified by the Proactive Monitoring System, see the recommendations provided in the ANALYZE tool.
  4. At the bottom of the panel, click Save.
    The Data Modeler saves the match rule changes and closes the Edit match rule panel.
    The proactive monitoring system removes the warning icon and the rule will now participate in the matching process.
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