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Automated householding

Learn about automatically grouping customers into households based on user-defined match rules in MDM.

Are you a business user who needs help with creating or onboarding householding data into your MDM application? Or maybe you're a Data Steward who is responsible for finding and grouping householding members? It would be great to have an automatic feature that groups household members based on user-defined match rules and then maintains the groups, wouldn't it? Enter Reltio's householding feature - it leverages Reltio's new grouping service to create householding entities using a grouping entity type, identify member entities, and create associations between these entities using your organization's entity types.

Automatically group your customers into householding groups using match rules, which you can configure by using a simple UI. The householding feature then automatically maintains and updates the group's householding data as your data changes. For example, group family members of a household who share the same address, the same last name, the same phone number, or the same email address. If an individual member gets married and last name changes or the individual leaves the household - the householding service automatically either moves the member to another householding group or keeps the member in the same group. In this way, it regroups members as needed based on the latest available data. For more information, see topic Create grouping type configurations.


The household feature helps you to:
  • Automatically group your customers with the help of match rules that you define and control, and automatically maintains the groups based on these match rules using an easy-to-navigate UI.

  • Automatically group members of a household for use in industry solutions, such as Reltio for Insurance. For example, group household members to sell them home insurance policies. For more information, see Reltio for Insurance velocity pack.

  • Update a household group by grouping members based on the same account number instead of the same address or last name. To do this, update the match rule and run the Rebuild Match Table Task to recalculate household data and its associations with the member entity records, and regroup entities. For more information, see topic Rebuild Match Table Task.

  • Verify if attributes have values for fields listed in the match rule, and block the creation of household group for entities that don't have values for these attributes. If any of these attributes are listed in the ignoreInToken section, they are ignored and a household group is created even if the attributes values are missing.


The household feature enables you to:
  • Rapidly and easily access trusted views of households across your customer data.

  • Eliminate time and costs to create, update, and maintain complex household-specific customization.

  • Reduce the time it takes you to group customers into households from days to hours.

  • Activate targeted marketing and other business programs to drive cross-sell and up-sell revenue.

  • Empower non-technical data stewards to create rules for automatic households, with no need for specialized expertise or support.

Read on to find out more about how to use the application and create a rule for the household feature: