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External match API - AWS

Use this API to get information on potential matches in a tenant for entities that are added to the tenant from an external file.

Use the external match API to match records stored externally in a file with entities in a Reltio tenant. To use this API, you must provide an input file that contains the records to be matched that can be stored in AWS S3 storage.

The following sections provide information on the request API and request parameters for AWS. For information on the common request parameters and the input and output file formats, see topic External match API.

  • Entities must be represented as a JSON array in an AWS S3 file.
  • Each entity JSON should be on a separate line of an AWS S3 file.

Request parameters

The following request parameters are used:

s3RegionYesDefines the AWS region for S3 bucket.
urlExpirationPeriodNoExpiration period in days for the download link from the S3 bucket (default and max value is 7).

Header parameters

You can use these parameters for authentication.
Note: We recommend using roles because it's more secure and we're deprecating the use of access keys and secrets, see below AWS IAM Assumed Roles. Additionally, here is the deprecation note AWS access key and secret in favor of IAM roles for Reltio-owned resources.
awsExternalIdNoAn additional identifier that can be given to a role.
awsRoleArnNoThe Amazon Resource Name (ARN) role that is assigned to you, if you have AWS credentials.
awsRoleSessionNameNoA name that uniquely identifies the role session.
awsAccessKeyNoThe S3 access key for the Amazon bucket. Reltio recommends that you only pass the awsAccessKey as a header parameter and not as a URI parameter. However, if you need to, the parameter must be escaped if they contain special characters. For example: as they are Base64 encoded, they can contain '+' and '/' characters. '+' must be escaped as %2B and '/' can be passed directly in the URI.
awsSecretKeyNoThe S3 secret key for the Amazon bucket. Reltio recommends that you only pass the awsSecretKey as a header parameter and not as a URI parameter. However, if you need to, the parameter must be escaped if they contain special characters. For example: as they are Base64 encoded, they can contain '+' and '/' characters. '+' must be escaped as %2B and '/' can be passed directly in the URI.

AWS IAM Assumed Roles

Follow these steps to use AWS IAM assumed roles:
  1. Contact Support to obtain the Reltio AWS Account ID.

  2. Create an AWS S3 bucket. For example, reltio-external-match-bucket. For more information, see AWS doc: Creating a bucket.

  3. Create an AWS access policy that allows read, write, and list access to S3 bucket. For example, s3-reltio-external-match-policy. For more information, see AWS doc: Define custom IAM permissions with customer managed policies.

  4. Create an AWS role to grant access to the policy.

  5. Select Another AWS Account as the role type. For example, reltio-extmatcher.

  6. Assign this role to the Reltio AWS Account ID that you receive in step 1. For more information, see AWS doc: Create a role to give permissions to an IAM user.

  7. Assign the s3-reltio-external-match-policy policy to the reltio-extmatcher role.

  8. Provide the role ARN to Reltio Support.
    Note: After the AWS AssumeRole is set up, the AWS access key and secret key are not needed. Instead, you must provide AWS IAM AssumeRole and ExternalID (if the AWS external ID is configured).