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Subscribe to platform status alerts

Learn how to subscribe to automated email alerts from the Reltio platform status page.

Monitor the health of cloud services in your Reltio Data Cloud in the Reltio platform status page. As explained in topic Platform status operation, you should regularly monitor your platforms operational status. subscribe to automated alerts.

A good way to do this is to subscribe to receive automated email alerts whenever Reltio schedules system maintenance, changes a component status, or creates, updates, or resolves an incident on your Reltio Data Cloud.
To subscribe to automated alerts:
  1. At the top of the Reltio platform status page, select the Subscribe to updates button.
  2. On the toolbar at the top of the displayed panel, select your desired medium and fill in the appropriate contact details:
    • Email: Enter an email address and select SUBSCRIBE VIA EMAIL

      Save the email confirmation for future access to the Subscription Management view.

    • Phone: Enter a country code and telephone number and select SUBSCRIBE VIA TEXT MESSAGE.
    • Slack: Select SUBSCRIBE VIA SLACK.
    • Webhook URL: Enter a webhook URL and email address and select SUBSCRIBE.
    • Support: Select the support site link to navigate directly to the Reltio Support portal, where you can submit a support ticket if need help.

    • Atom feed or RSS feed: web feeds: Select the link to display the feed in the desired XML format, Atom or Really Simple Syndication (RSS).

  3. Check your communication method for a confirmation request message. For example, if you selected notifications via email, look for a [Reltio status] Confirm your subscription message from noreply@statuspage.io and select the Confirm subscription button.
  4. Check for a subscription confirmation message. For example, look for a [Reltio status] Suscription confirmation email from noreply@statuspage.io.

  5. Monitor your communications channel regularly for notifications of incidents in Reltio Data Cloud. Messages describe incidents as we work through these statuses:
    • Investigating

    • Identified

    • Monitoring

    • Resolved

  6. Subsequently access the Subscription Management view to manage your notification updates:
    1. In your subscription confirmation message, select Manage your subscription.
    2. In the displayed Reltio subscriber page, update your preferences:
      • Unsubscribe from updates: Select this link and in the displayed confirmation message select Unsubscribe from updates


      • Components: Click the Select none link to clear all clouds and their services and components from your subscription, or select/clear specific services and components for individual clouds.

        Important: Reltio recommends that you keep all services selected.
    3. Select Save.
  7. At the bottom of the page, select Current status to navigate to the Reltio Platform status page.