Unify and manage your data

L3 validation errors

Learn about the L3 errors, including error code, error message, detailed error message, under what circumstances the error can occur, and how to resolve the problem.

Note: Always apply the exponential backoff retry logic when you work with a REST API. For more information, see Exponential backoff.
Table 1. L3 validation errors
Internal Parameter NameError DetailsError AnalysisError Resolution

Error Message Reference or nested attribute with name name not defined in entity type type name.

Detailed Error Message Failed to parse an entity of the specified type; it has a complex attribute not defined in the model.
Some piece of the configuration (a match rule, a match field in a nested attribute, and so on.) refers to an attribute that doesn't exist in the entity type.Fix the attribute name to a correct one.

Error Message Invalid matchOvOnly section for nested attribute with attributeURI URI.

Detailed Error Message For a tenant that has flatOvCalculation property = true it’s forbidden to use matchOvOnly for nested attributes.
One of the nested attributes from the request violates the restriction about mixing flat Operational Value (OV) calculation with the matchOvOnly field for nested attributes.Set the matchOvOnly field to false or change a value of the flatOvCalculation field in the L3 if it's incorrect.

Error Message Incomplete attributeOrdering section for attribute with attributeURI URI.

Detailed Error Message FieldBasedOrderingStrategy requires fieldURI field.
A fieldURI field from an attributeOrdering section isn’t set or it’s empty.Set a correct value in the fieldURI field.

Error Message Invalid attributeOrdering section for attribute with attributeURI URI. Attribute with attributeURI URI, defined in attributeOrdering section isn’t simple or is absent.

Detailed Error Message FieldBasedOrderingStrategy requires fieldURI field that can refer only to simple attributes.
An attribute on which attributeOrdering section refers isn’t simple or doesn’t exist.Add the correct value in the attributeOrdering section.

Error Message Invalid attributeOrdering section for attribute with attributeURI URI.

Detailed Error Message Field-based attribute ordering strategy is applicable only for complex attributeValues types like nested or referenced.
An attributeOrdering section is described for a simple attribute for which ones aren’t applicable for ordering.Remove the attributeOrdering section from the simple attribute.

Error Message Invalid auto-generation settings for attribute uri.

Detailed Error Message If autoGenerated=true is specified then generator and autoGenerationPattern for simple and autoGenerationNestedPattern for nested attributes must be specified. Only String attributes or subattributes can be auto-generated. Auto-generation could not be specified for reference attributes.
Auto-generated attributes have the set of rules that are described at the detailed message of this error. The request violates at least one of them.Find what type of requirement from the detailed message was violated in the request and fix the error.

Error Message Invalid auto-generation pattern for attribute URI.

Detailed Error Message The auto-generation pattern must have the proper number of open and close braces. Braces must be specified properly.
An autoGenerationPattern (or a pattern from autoGenerationNestedPattern for nested attributes) has an incorrect format.Fix the format of the pattern field.

Error Message Invalid auto-generation settings for source type uri.

Detailed Error Message If autoGenerated=true is specified then generator and autoGenerationPattern must be specified.
A source type in the configuration is marked as autoGenerated but doesn't have a definition of a generator name or an autogeneration pattern.Add generator or autoGenerationPattern field if one or both of them aren’t specified for the source type, or mark the source as not autoGenerated.

Error Message Invalid auto-generation pattern for source type uri

Detailed Error Message The auto-generation pattern must have the proper number of open and close braces. Braces must be specified properly.
An autoGenerationPattern has an incorrect format.Fix the format of the pattern field.

Error Message Generator shouldn't be applied to the reference attribute uri.

Detailed Error Message Generator must be applied to either attributes of referenced entity or to attributes of relation.
It’s forbidden to use a generator for referenced subattributes directly.Remove the autoGenerated section or move those parameters to an attribute configuration of the referenced entity type or the referenced relation.

Error Message Improper auto-generation section for sub-attribute uri.

Detailed Error Message subattribute uri can’t be auto-generated because it's already specified at the autoGenerationNestedPattern section of its parent attribute uri.
For a nested subattribute there are two ways to set an autogeneration pattern: via autoGenerationNestedPattern of the nested attribute or directly via autoGenerationPattern of the attribute itself. Use only one of them; that is, don't mix.Choose only one way to set an autogenerated pattern for the simple subattribute, and remove the other one.

Error Message One or few errors was found during validation of the Reltio Business Model.

Detailed Error Message Validation of the Reltio Business Model failed. See foundErrors in the section below.
General errors that show that the configuration posting failed.See the foundErrors section for details.

Error Message Some objects in the merge requests were deleted or changed in parallel - the request is rejected.

Detailed Error Message Some objects (entities/123456, entities/456789) in the merge requests were deleted or changed in parallel - the request is rejected.
The merge operation fails whenever you make changes to an object while the merge operation is in progress. If you try to send an update request more than five times, then the TOO_MANY_CONCURRENT_REQUESTS_FOR_OBJECT error is displayed.You can either repeat the request later or send the update requests one after the other.

Error Message Attributes {0} defined in keyAttributeURIs/matchFieldURIs aren’t found in the nested attribute {1}.

Detailed Error Message Attributes defined in keyAttributeURIs/matchFieldURIs aren’t found in the nested attribute.
Attributes present in the keyAttributeURIs/matchFieldURIs section of a nested attribute aren’t defined in that nested attribute.Check and correct the attribute definition or remove the invalid attribute.

Error Message The attribute {0} has type {1}, and this type doesn’t support part of defined parameters.

Detailed Error Message The attribute {0} has type {1}, and this type doesn’t support parameters like {2}.
For example, you have a nested attribute type and this type doesn’t support parameters, such as referencedAttributeURIs, relationshipTypeUri, referencedEntityTypeUri, and relationshipLabelPattern.Check attribute type definition and remove the extra parameters from its configuration.

Error Message Reltio Business Model schema specification can’t be parsed as XSD.

Detailed Error Message The Reltio Business Model schema stored in the Metadata column family in the database has errors.
The system verification schema that is stored in the database is corrupted.Please contact Support and report this error.

Error Message Failed to validate the business model. Validator failed on element value with error: details.

Detailed Error Message The validation of the Reltio Business Model the user is trying to create has failed. For details about the validation error, see the short error message. Validation is being performed by the XSD specification of RBM,
The request has an incorrect JSON format (an unknown field, forbidden duplicates, and so on.).See message details and fix the error found in the JSON request.

Error Message URI not found in uri.

Detailed Error Message The URI specified in the request isn’t found in the configuration. Please pay attention that the URI must contain the full path like configuration/entityTypes/Type instead of just Type.
A uri that is used as a property of the survivorship mapping (comparisonAttributeUri; filterAttributeUri; primaryAttributeUri) refers to a non-existent attribute.Fix the value of the faulty field; set an attribute that exists.

Error Message Resource not found uri.

Detailed Error Message Resource specified in the request isn’t found.
A resource that is referred by some uri doesn’t exist in the business model.Add a resource with the specified uri, or fix the uri if you made a mistake in it.

Error Message Model category not found uri.

Detailed Error Message Model category specified in the request wasn’t found.
A uri that is specified in the request is incorrect.Fix the value of an incorrect uri.

Error Message Model URI uri must start with configuration resource.

Detailed Error Message Model URI specified doesn’t belong to configuration resources.
A uri that is specified in the request doesn’t start with a configuration/ prefix.Add a configuration/ prefix to the faulty uri, and check that it’s correct.

Error Message Circular dependency found between attribute URI {0} and {1} for EntityType {2} in dependentLookupAttributes configuration.

Detailed Error Message It isn’t allowed to define circular dependencies for dependentLookupAttributes. Circular dependency found between attribute uri {0} and {1} for EntityType {2} in dependentLookupAttributes configuration.
For an entity, if attribute A has dependentLookupAttributes as B and attribute B has dependentLookupAttributes as A, a circular dependency is created.Remove one of the dependentLookupAttributes to ensure that there’s no circular dependency.

Error Message Default crosswalk is configured as a surrogate crosswalk.

Detailed Error Message It isn’t allowed to specify a default crosswalk Source System in the surrogateCrosswalks section.
It’s forbidden to use a default source system as a surrogate crosswalk for an entity type.Change a source type for the surrogate crosswalk section, or remove the entire surrogate section. Make sure that the default source is correct (the defaultCrosswalk field in the tenant physical configuration); change it if required.

Error Message Survivorship group mapping of attribute uri {0} to strategy {2} is incorrect in {1}.

Detailed Error Message comparisonAttributeUri property is required for a complex attribute if MinValue or MaxValue strategy is used.
A Min/MaxValue survivorship strategy can compare only simple (scalar) values, so for nested/referenced attributes a one subattribute must be chosen for comparison. The passed configuration doesn't have the comparisonAttributeUri field that describes that attribute.Specify an attribute that must be used for comparison of nested/referenced attributes in the comparisonAttributeUri field for the survivorship group mapping.

Error Message Survivorship group mapping is incorrect for attribute name in uri.

Detailed Error Message comparisonAttributeUri=value in uri isn’t a subattribute of the attribute name.
A Min/MaxValue survivorship strategy can compare only simple (scalar) values, so for nested/referenced attributes a one sub-attribute must be chosen for comparison. The passed comparisonAttributeUri, which describes that attribute, isn’t a sub-attributed of the compared attribute.For comparison of the nested/referenced attribute, choose a subattribute of it, and use that attribute in the comparisonAttributeUri field.

Error Message Survivorship group mapping is incorrect for attribute name in uri.

Detailed Error Message comparisonAttributeUri=value, which used in mapping uri for the attribute name, isn’t a simple attribute.
A Min/MaxValue survivorship strategy can compare only simple (scalar) values, so for nested/referenced attributes a one subattribute must be chosen for comparison. The passed comparisonAttributeUri, which describes that attribute, isn’t simple.For comparison of the nested/referenced attribute, choose a subattribute that is simple, and use it in the comparisonAttributeUri field.

Error Message Survivorship group mapping is incorrect for attributename in uri.

Detailed Error Message The attribute, which is used for equals criteria in filter (value) in mapping uri for the attribute name, isn’t a simple attribute.
For filtering values in the survivorship group you must use only simple attributes.Choose a simple attribute for filtering in the survivorship group

Error Message Survivorship group (uri) configuration is incorrect.

Detailed Error Message There are duplicates in mapping for survivorship group with uri uri.
A survivorship group contains some duplicated mappings. That can occur if a user described mappings for the same attribute (and, optionally, with the same filter) multiple times.Check all mappings inside the survivorship group for duplicates, and leave only one of them (a correct one).

Error Message Duplicated control attribute URI: uri.

Detailed Error Message The dependent attributes configuration contains several entries with the same control attribute URI.
Some attribute is defined twice as a control attribute in the dependentAttributes section.Find the duplicate values in the attributeUri field at the dependAttributes section, and leave only one of them.

Error Message Duplicated attribute URI: uri.

Detailed Error Message The dependent attributes configuration contains several entries with the same dependent attribute URI.
All attribute names that are mentioned in a dependentAttributes section must be unique and must not be used more than once.Find duplicates that are mentioned multiple times as an attribute name in the dependentAttributes section, leave only one of them, and remove other ones. Duplicates can be mentioned in vertical configurations.

Error Message Attribute with URI uri not defined in entity type uri.

Detailed Error Message The attribute with the specified URI isn’t defined for the entity type.
An attribute that is mentioned in a dependentAttributes section doesn’t exist.Fix the non-existent attribute name, or introduce a new attribute with this name for the entity type.

Error Message Dependent lookups configuration error: uri.

Detailed Error Message It isn’t allowed to have dependent lookups for attribute without lookup code uri.
An attribute that is mentioned in a dependentAttributes section doesn’t exist.Add a lookupCode field to the simple attribute.

Error Message Dependent lookups configuration error: uri.

Detailed Error Message Configured dependent lookup attribute name is missing in type uri.
An attribute that is mentioned in a dependentLookupAttributes section doesn't exist.Fix the attribute name to a correct one or remove it.

Error Message Dependent lookups configuration error: uri.

Detailed Error Message Configured dependent lookup attribute isn’t a simple attribute name in type uri.
An attribute that is mentioned in a dependentLookupAttributes section isn’t simple; only simple attributes are allowed for this section.Fix the attribute to a simple one or remove it.

Error Message Match service class not found name.

Detailed Error Message The match service class isn’t found.
The match service class mentioned in matchServiceClass doesn't exist.Fix the match service class name or remove it. By default, com.reltio.businesslogic.match.providers.internal.InternalMatchService will be used.

Error Message Match token class not found name.

Detailed Error Message The match token class isn’t found.
The match token class defined in a matchTokenClass or matchTokenClasses mappings doesn't exist.Fix the match token class name or remove it. For the attributes mentioned in an exact section and in a fuzzy section, by default, com.reltio.match.token.ExactMatchToken will be used. For the attributes mentioned in a multi operand, by default, com.reltio.match.token.ExactMultiToken will be used.

Error Message Match comparator class not found name.

Detailed Error Message The match comparator class isn’t found.
Match comparator class defined in a comparatorClass or comparatorClasses mappings doesn't exist.Fix the comparator class name or remove it. For the attributes mentioned in an exact section and in a fuzzy section, by default, com.reltio.match.comparator.BasicStringComparator will be used. For the attributes mentioned in a multi operand,by default, com.reltio.match.comparator.ExactMultiComparator will be used.

Error Message Match rule specification error: value.

Detailed Error Message The process failed because of an invalid match rule specification in the Reltio Business Model.
An attribute defined in comparatorClasses or matchTokenClasses mappings isn’t simple, or an attribute defined in these mappings isn’t applicable for matchTokenClass or comparatorClass by its type.Use a simple attribute in comparatorClasses or matchTokenClasses mappings, and choose comparatorClass and matchTokenClass according to its type.

Error Message Negative match rule specification error: value.

Detailed Error Message A negative match rule specification error in the configuration.
An attribute defined in comparatorClasses of a negative match rule mappings isn’t simple, or an attribute defined in this mapping isn’t applicable for comparatorClass by its type.Use a simple attribute in comparatorClasses mapping and choose comparatorClass according to its type.

Error Message Provided parameter isn’t supported by match class.

Detailed Error Message Class name (from rule " <rule> ") doesn’t support parameter with the following mapping: <mapping>.
Wrong name or type of the parameter defined for comparatorClass or matchTokenClass.Use names and types of the parameters for comparatorClasses and matchTokenClasses according to the documentation.

Error Message Attribute type isn’t supported by match class.

Detailed Error Message Match class <class> doesn’t accept attributes of type type.
An attribute defined in comparatorClasses or matchTokenClasses mappings isn’t applicable for comparatorClass or matchTokenClass by its type.Choose comparatorClass and matchTokenClass according to the attribute's type.

Error Message Invalid match token class name.

Detailed Error Message Match token class must belong to a special hierarchy.
Match token class defined in a matchTokenClass or matchTokenClasses mappings doesn't implement the MatchToken interface.Match token class must implement the MatchToken interface.

Error Message Invalid match comparator class name.

Detailed Error Message Match comparator class must belong to a special hierarchy.
Comparator class defined in comparatorClass or comparatorClasses mappings doesn't implement the Comparator interface.The comparator class must implement the Comparator interface.

Error Message Invalid match service class name.

Detailed Error Message Match service class must belong to a special hierarchy.
Match service class mentioned in matchServiceClass doesn't implement the IMatchService interface.Match service class must implement the IMatchService interface.

Error Message Document comparator class not found name.

Detailed Error Message Document comparator class not found.
Document comparator class mentioned in documentComparator section doesn't exist.Fix the document comparator class name.

Error Message Invalid document comparator class name.

Detailed Error Message Document comparator must belong to a special hierarchy.
Document comparator class mentioned in documentComparator section isn’t assignable from DocumentComparator class.Document comparator class mentioned in documentComparator section must be assignable from DocumentComparator class.

Error Message Invalid verification status value.

Detailed Error Message Verification status must belong to (Verified, Partially Verified, Unverified, Ambiguous, Conflict, or Reverted) list.
The Loqate cleanse function that you're trying to use contains addresses whose verification status is unknown.For the verification status, use one value from the allowed list. For more information, see Using AVC to set Address Verified Status.

Error Message Invalid verification status regular expression: value.

Detailed Error Message Invalid verification status regular expression: value.
A regular expression that you're trying to put has an incorrect format.Fix the format of the regular expression to a correct one, For more information, see Using AVC to set Address Verified Status.

Error Message Parameter sourcesForOv is empty in survivorship group uri.

Detailed Error Message Parameter sourcesForOv is empty. Please specify sources or remove this parameter.
A mapping contains sourcesForOv field that is empty.Find an empty sourcesForOv field in the survivorship group mapping. Add at least one source to this field or remove it.

Error Message Match rule cleanse adapter class not found name.

Detailed Error Message The match rule cleanse adapter class not found.
The cleanseAdapter class defined in the match rule's cleanse section doesn't exist.Fix the cleanse adapter class name or remove it.

Error Message Invalid match rule cleanse adapter class name.

Detailed Error Message The match rule cleanse adapter class must belong to a special hierarchy.
The cleanseAdapter class defined in the match rule's cleanse section doesn't implement the CleanseEngine interface.The cleanseAdapter class defined in the match rule's cleanse section must implement the CleanseEngine interface.

Error Message Invalid Loqate options value.

Detailed Error Message Loqate options must be a map of options.
The Loqate options that you're trying to use has an incorrect format.Follow the guidelines about Loqate functions and fix errors (see more in Address Cleansing Properties).

Error Message All the attributes that are used in the match rule must be defined in the surrogate crosswalk; unused attributes are attributes.

Detailed Error Message All the attributes that are used in the match rule must be defined in the surrogate crosswalk; unused attributes are attributes. Please add them to the surrogate crosswalk.
If a tenant configuration has the checkForMatchRuleAttrsInSurrogateCrosswalk property = true, there’s a requirement for all attributes from match rules being described in the surrogate crosswalk section.Add the referred attribute to the surrogate crosswalk section for the modified entity type or don't use this attribute in match rules.

Error Message No match rules defined for match group uri.

Detailed Error Message No match rules defined for match group uri. Please define match rules.

Match group defined in the configuration doesn’t have any match rules/negative match rules defined.Define match rules/negative match rules for the match group in the configuration, or remove the invalid match group from the configuration.

Error Message Only simple type attributes are allowed in match rules.

Detailed Error Message Match rule rule_uri attribute attribute_uri must not have a type other than simple.
The attribute mentioned in the match rule isn’t of simple metadata type.Either avoid usage of the attribute, or change its metadata type to simple.

Error Message Match class doesn’t accept parameters.

Detailed Error Message Match rule: <rule>. Mapping: <mapping>

Occurs when trying to pass parameters to a match class that doesn’t accept parameters.Make sure that parameters configuration is aligned with the match class input parameters reference. For more information, see The Match Groups Construct.

Error Message Match rule has wrong parameter.

Detailed Error Message Match rule <rule> has wrong parameter <name> with value <value>
Occurs when the passed parameter doesn’t satisfy the rule constraints/requirements (for example, match rule weight is negative).Make sure that parameters configuration is aligned with the match class input parameters reference. For more information, see The Match Groups Construct.

Error Message Relevance based rule can’t have not-a-match threshold along with suspect or auto thresholds.

Detailed Error Message Match rule: <rule>
Occurs when the relevance-based rule has a not match threshold along with the auto and/or suspect threshold. This serves a specific requirement for relevance-based rules implementation.Preserve either not match threshold or the threshold of the auto and/or suspect rules.

Error Message Some attribute URIs used in the keyAttributeURIs/matchFieldURIs aren’t simple type in the attribute {1}.

Detailed Error Message Only a simple type attribute URI can be used in keyAttributeURIs/matchFieldURIs. In the nested attribute {1}, 3Attributes URIs {0} set in keyAttributeURIs/matchFieldURIs aren’t simple type attributes.
If the keyAttributeURIs/matchFieldURIs section uses nested or reference attribute URIs.Remove non-simple attributes from the keyAttributeURIs/matchFieldURIs section.

Error Message Cleanse function CleanseFunctionName validation error.

Detailed Error Message Validation of cleanse function cleanseFunctionName failed with an error: error details.
An error occurred during the creation of the described cleanse function.If details in the error message don’t clarify the reason for the error, contact the Reltio Customer Support team.

Error Message Cleanse mapping contains a non-existent attribute.

Detailed Error Message Cleanse mapping with URI uri contains a non-existent attribute attribute uri.
A cleanse function mapping refers to an attribute that doesn’t exist in the entity type.Use a correct attribute name in the mapping.

Error Message Required attributeName attribute value missing in cleanse.

Detailed Error Message Required value for attributeName attribute is missing for the cleanse URI uri.
Cleanse function isn’t set in the configuration for the cleanser.Set the name of the required cleanse function.

Error Message Input mapping missing for cleanse function CleanseFunctionName.

Detailed Error Message Input mapping isn’t defined for the cleanse function cleanseFunctionName. Add the cleanse function mappings fields such as inputMapping or inputMappingRef.
Cleanse function section doesn’t have any information about the input mappings.Add the cleanse function mappings fields, such as inputMapping and inputMappingRef. For more information, see Configure cleanse rules.

Error Message Output mapping missing for cleanse function CleanseFunctionName.

Detailed Error Message Output mapping isn’t defined for the cleanse function CleanseFunctionName. Add the cleanse function mappings fields such as outputMapping or outputMappingRef.
Cleanse function section doesn’t have any information about the output mappings.Add the cleanse function mappings fields, such as outputMapping and, outputMappingRef. For more information, see Configure cleanse rules.

Error Message Cleanse function cleanseFunctionName not defined.

Detailed Error Message Cleanse function cleanseFunctionName isn’t defined in the tenant storage configuration (uri: uri).
You’re trying to use a cleanse function that is not available or not defined in the physical configuration of the tenant.Add a definition of the cleanse function to the tenant physical configuration (in the cleanse section).

Error Message Cleanse function cleanseFunctionName has invalid option/parameter value.

Detailed Error Message Cleanse function cleanseFunctionName has an invalid value GivenValue for the parameter OptionName, the allowed values are: AllowedValues.
When an incorrect value is provided for a cleanser parameter/option. For example, a non-Boolean value is provided for the option ovOnly.Update the option with the correct value or remove the property from the parameters section.

Error Message Cleanse function cleanseFunctionName has invalid parameter.

Detailed Error Message Unknown parameter param found in thecleanseFunctionName cleanse function in the tenant/business model configuration.
You’re trying to use an option that is unknown to the defined cleanse function.Use the proper values from the options available for the different cleansers.

Error Message Cleanse function cleanseFunctionName has invalid URL.

Detailed Error Message Cleanse function cleanseFunctionName has an incorrect URL: URL. Provide the URL in the correct format.
(For HTTP cleanse function only) You’re trying to use an incorrect URL for the HTTP function.Provide the URL in the correct format.

Error Message Cleanse function cleanseFunctionName has invalid S3. bucket name

Detailed Error Message S3 bucket BucketName defined in the cleanse function cleanseFunctionName was not found.
(For S3File cleanse function only) You’re trying to use an S3 bucket that doesn’t exist.Use the correct S3 bucket.

Error Message Cleanse function cleanseFunctionName has invalid S3 path.

Detailed Error Message Cleanse function cleanseFunctionName has an invalid S3 path: FilePath. Use a correct file from the given S3 bucket.
(For S3File cleanse function only) You’re trying to use a file that doesn’t exist in the given S3 bucket.Use the correct file from the given S3 bucket.

Error Message Required parameter missing for cleanse function cleanseFunctionName.

Detailed Error Message Cleanse function cleanseFunctionName doesn’t have the required parameter: ParamName.
Required parameters are missing in the cleanse function.Provide the required parameters

Error Message Cleanse function cleanseFunctionName has invalid input cleanse attribute.

Detailed Error Message Cleanse function cleanseFunctionName has an unknown input cleanseAttribute value value.
You’re trying to use an input attribute that is not supported by the cleanser.Use a valid input attribute supported by the cleanser.

Error Message Cleanse function cleanseFunctionName has invalid output cleanse attribute.

Detailed Error Message Cleanse function cleanseFunctionName has an unknown output cleanseAttribute value value.
You’re trying to use an output attribute that is not supported by the cleanser.Use a valid output attribute supported by the cleanser.

Error Message Cleanse function cleanseFunctionName is configured with ambiguous options.

Detailed Error Message Cleanse function cleanseFunctionName has an option processwith both CASS (c) and CASS2 (c2). But you should select only one of it.
You are trying to configure both CASS (c)and CASS (c) process.Configure either one of it.

Error Message Lifecycle Action URI uri is invalid.

Detailed Error Message Lifecycle Action URI uri is invalid.
A uri of an LifeCycle Action has an incorrect format.Use the correct format of the uri (see more LCA Configuration).

Error Message Invalid minValue cardinality for attribute with attribute URI uri

Detailed Error Message minValue cardinality can’t be less than 0 (zero).
A cardinality section has a minValue field with a value less than 0(zero).Change the value to a correct one or remove the field.

Error Message Invalid maxValue cardinality for attribute with attribute URI uri.

Detailed Error Message maxValue cardinality can’t be less than 1.
A cardinality section has a maxValue field with a value less than 1.Change the value to a correct one or remove the field.

Error Message Invalid combination of minValue and maxValue cardinality for attribute with attribute URI uri.

Detailed Error Message maxValue cardinality can’t be less than minValue cardinality.
A cardinality section has a maxValue field with a value less than a minValue field from the same section.Change the values to the correct ones or remove the unnecessary fields.

Error Message Invalid default value for attribute with attribute URI uri.

Detailed Error Message The default value type must match the attribute type.
A value that is set in a defaultValue field is a mismatch for an attribute value type (not a number for integer, not a date for date, and so on.).Either fix the incorrect value, or remove the default value field, or change the attribute type if it's incorrect.

Error Message Attribute name in URI doesn’t equal to value of "name" field from configuration.

Detailed Error Message Last part of URI string doesn’t equal to value of "name" field from configuration.
There is a discrepancy between the attribute name and the URI fields.Correct the attribute name or last part of attribute URI to make them equal.

Error Message The sortAs parameter has not allowed value.

Detailed Error Message The 'sortAs' parameter has not allowed value, current value = {0}, allowed values = {1}. Please fix the mapping for the attribute {2}' of survivorship group {3}.
The sortAs parameter value is invalid.From the error message, use of any of the values listed in the allowed list as SortAs parameter.

Error Message The sortAs parameter set for not allowed strategy.

Detailed Error Message The sortAs parameter not allowed in {0} strategy. It is allowed only in MinValue/MaxValue strategies. Please fix the mapping for the attribute {1} of survivorship group {2}.
The SortAs parameter is allowed only for Min and Max values in OV strategies.Do not use SortAs parameters in OV strategies that aren’t of Min or Max values.

Error Message Number of reference attributes in a single entity record type must not exceed value.

Detailed Error Message Number of reference attributes in a single entity record type must not exceed value, but the current number is value. Please reduce the number of reference attributes for the entity.
The tenant physical configuration has a restriction on a maximum amount of referenced attributes for an entity type. The current amount for the entity type exceeds this number.Either remove some referenced attributes to fit the restriction number, or increase the restriction number in the tenant physical configuration (dataModelerConstraints/maxReferenceAttributesCount field), or remove the restriction. For more information, see Validation Constraints for a Tenant.

Error Message Data type changed for the inherited attribute name for entity type with parent type type from type value to type value.

Detailed Error Message The data type changed for the inherited attribute name for entity type with parent type type from type value to type value. Data type changes aren’t allowed for inherited attributes. Please correct the data types.
The tenant physical configuration prohibits overriding of an attribute type from a parent entity type in an inherited one. Some attributes violate this restriction.Either change the attribute type in the inherited attribute to the same type as a parent attribute has, or disable the restriction in the tenant physical configuration (dataModelerConstraints/allowDataTypeOverRiding field). For more information, see Validation Constraints for a Tenant.

Error Message There are duplicate URIs [uri_list] in mapping for the type [type].

Detailed Error Message There are duplicate URIs [uri_list] in mapping for the type [type]. Please remove duplication.
The business configuration for object type (entities, relations) contains two or more definitions of an attribute with the same uri.Remove duplicate definitions from the configuration.

Error Message For type entity type, useOnlyOvValuesInReferencedEntities is set to true, but ignoreNonOVChangesWhenUpdateThroughReferencedEntity is false.

Detailed Error Message For type entity type, useOnlyOvValuesInReferencedEntities is set to true, but ignoreNonOVChangesWhenUpdateThroughReferencedEntity is false.
For the entity type in the business configuration, it forbidden to have the 'ignoreNonOVChangesWhenUpdateThroughReferencedEntit’sy' property as false when the 'useOnlyOvValuesInReferencedEntities' property is enabled.Set 'ignoreNonOVChangesWhenUpdateThroughReferencedEntity' to true or set 'useOnlyOvValuesInReferencedEntities' to false.

Error Message For the attribute attribute in tenant name, the survivorship strategy is OtherAttributeWinnerCrosswalk, but the strategy's required attribute primaryAttributeUri isn't specified.

Detailed Error Message For the attribute attribute in tenant name, the survivorship strategy is OtherAttributeWinnerCrosswalk, but strategy's required attribute primaryAttributeUri isn't specified.
If OtherAttributeWinnerCrosswalk is used, primaryAttributeUri in a mapping must also be specified.Add primaryAttributeUri to the attribute's survivorship mapping.

Error Message Survivorship strategy strategy name is defined multiple times.

Detailed Error Message survivorshipStrategies contains multiple definitions of the {0} strategy; therefore, please remove duplicates.
There are multiple definitions of the same survivorship strategy in the survivorshipStrategies section of the business configuration.Remove definition duplicates.

Error Message Survivorship strategy strategy name has incorrect definition.

Detailed Error Message It's impossible to determine a strategy type for the strategy 'strategy name. If it's a custom strategy, please specify the required fields (parentStrategyURI or mainSourceType and winnerSourceType).
The survivorship strategy has an incomplete definition.

There are two possible custom strategies in an OV configuration, and you must specify required fields for one of them.

  • Record-values based source priority. Required field: winnerSourceType.
  • Custom survivorship strategy. Required fields: parentStrategyURI and mainSourceType.

Error Message Circular dependency has been found in survivorship rules for entity type/configuration.

Detailed Error Message Circular dependency has been found in survivorship rules for entity type/configuration at primaryAttributeUris in group (complex source strategies) (path of dependency: dependency chain).
A circular dependency has been found in the OV configuration for two particular cases:
  • OtherAttributeWinnerCrosswalk strategy has primaryAttributeUris fields which refer to other attributes, and this reference chain creates a circular dependency.
  • Custom survivorship strategy has parentStrategyURI fields which refer to other strategies, and this reference chain creates a circular dependency.
Remove duplicate dependencies from the configuration, and set up the correct references.

Error Message Source type source mentioned in the survivorship rules configuration doesn’t exist.

Detailed Error Message Business model for the tenant doesn’t have the source source system that is mentioned in section for object type.
A source system that is mentioned in an OV configuration isn’t defined in the business configuration.Remove the incorrect reference to the non-existent source type from the section, or add a definition of that system in the sources section of the business configuration.

Error Message Attribute with URI attribute mentioned in survivorship rules configuration isn’t found.

Detailed Error Message The attribute with URI configuration mentioned in section doesn't exist or the URI has an invalid format.

One of the parts of an OV configuration refers to an attribute that doesn't exist.

Another option is that the uri has an incorrect format (doesn’t start from configuration/entityTypes/... or configuration/relationTypes/..., or perhaps this is another option).

Remove the reference to the non-existent attributes, or correct its uri if the attributes exist.

Error Message Survivorship group uri is defined multiple times.

Detailed Error Message Type object type contains multiple definitions of the group uri survivorship group; therefore, please remove duplicates.
One of the survivorship groups with the same uri is defined multiple times.Remove the duplicates, or change their uris.

Error Message Role role is mentioned multiple times in survivorship groups of object type.

Detailed Error Message Role role is mentioned multiple times in survivorship groups uris. Please leave only one reference to the role.
One of the roles is mentioned in different survivorship groups for the same entity/relation types, which is forbidden. A role can be applied and used only in the single group; otherwise, it's not clear what group must be used for a user with this role.Leave only one reference of the role in the survivorship groups for this entity/relation type.

Error Message Type 'type' has multiple default survivorship groups.

Detailed Error Message Type 'type' has multiple default survivorship groups, only one is allowed. Please set ''default = false'' for not-default groups.
More than one survivorship group is marked as default in an OV configuration.Leave only one default survivorship group, mark the others as 'default = false'.

Error Message Field name must not be specified for strategy strategy name.

Detailed Error Message Field name must not be specified for strategy strategy name in place because it's not used.
One of survivorship mappings has a field that , in fact, isn’t used, because either a related strategy doesn't support it, or a place in which this field is specified isn’t correct.Remove the unused field from the configuration, or change the survivorship strategy to the one that supports that field.

Error Message Primary attribute uri is a subattribute for parent uri in survivorship mapping.

Detailed Error Message The attribute uri is mentioned as a primary for its parent attribute parent uri in its survivorship mapping. This configuration is forbidden.
A mapping with OtherAttributeWinnerCrosswalks strategy has a primary attribute that refers to the mapping attribute’s subattribute. The calculation algorithm for this configuration isn’t clear, and that's why it's forbidden.Change primaryAttributeUri for this mapping to another one that is not at a sub-level, or change the strategy from OtherAttributeWinnerCrosswalks to something else.

Error Message Survivorship group mapping is incorrect for attribute in survivorship group id.

Detailed Error Message comparisonAttributeUri must not be used for a simple attribute uri, which is used in mapping group id.
A mapping for a simple attribute has the comparisonAttributeUri field. However, this field isn’t required because a strategy can use a value from an attribute itself.Remove comparisonAttributeUri from the mapping.

Error Message Value value for the property property is invalid.

Detailed Error Message The definition of the property property is invalid. The reason is reason.
The value for the global property pinIgnoredOverridePriority has the wrong definition. It must have an array as the value with exactly the items: "pin", "ignored", "neutral" in any desired order.

Remove the definition from the configuration. You must use the default value ["pin", "ignored", "neutral"].

Specify the correct value, for example, ["ignored", "pin", "neutral"].


Error Message Match group matchGroupURI is defined multiple times

Detailed Error Message Type type contains multiple definitions of matchGroupURI match group, please remove duplicates.
The business configuration for object type contains two or more definitions of a match group with the same uri.Remove duplicate definitions of match groups from the configuration.

Error Message Invalid attributes defined in showAttributeURI in ruleBasedAttributes

Detailed Error Message Invalid attributes defined in showAttributeURI in ruleBasedAttributes, invalid attributes 'attribute_uris' defined for rule with uri 'ruleBasedAttributesURI'

When an invalid attribute is provided, other than a top level simple, nested and reference attributesDefine valid URIs in showAttributeURI in ruleBasedAttributes
MULTIPLE_RULE_WITH_SAME_URI_CONFIGURED_FOR_RULE_BASED_ATTRIBUTEError Code 1936 Error Message Duplicate URI or name defined for Rule Based Attributes

Detailed Error Message Following URI or name repeated for rule based attribute with name 'attribute_name' and URI 'attribute_uri'

If the business config contains multiple rules with same URI for ruleBasedAttributesCheck the URIs of ruleBasedAttributes

Error Message No start object defined for relationship 'uri'

Detailed Error Message Invalid start object configuration for relationship 'uri'. Please provide a valid relationship start object with uri.
Relationships must have a valid start object configuration defined with a valid object type uri.Define a valid start object for relationship type with a valid object type uri referring to an entity.

Error Message No end object defined for relationship 'uri'.

Detailed Error Message Invalid end object configuration for relationship 'uri'. Please provide a valid relationship end object with uri.
Relationships must have a valid end object configuration defined with a valid object type uri.Define a valid end object for relationship type with a valid object type uri referring to an entity.

Error Message The relationship has not created because of the inactive state of the start or end objects {0}.

Detailed Error Message The relationship has not created because of the inactive state of the start or end objects {0}. To create the relationship, please activate these entities/crosswalks.
Entities used to create relationships are inactive or none of the crosswalks is active.Ensure that entities are active and at-least one crosswalk is active.

Error Message Attribute attribute has different types across different entity/relation types.

Detailed Error Message The value types that are presented in attribute uri aren’t compatible. Please change one of the following types or rename their attribute: object and attribute types list.

According to ES's restrictions, all attributes that have the same name (including sub-nested ones, for example, Identifiers/ID) must have the same (or compatible) value types across all entity/relation types in a configuration. Currently, one of the attributes with the same name has an incompatible value type.

Compatible types: text data (String, Blob), time (Date, Time, Timestamp), numbers without fractional components (Long, Int, Integer), and fractional numbers (Float, Double, Number).

Note: If the configuration you're trying to post doesn't have any conflicts, it probably means that the attribute with different types was inherited from verticals. Take a look at the details in the error message.

Change the value type in one of the attributes to a compatible one, or rename the attribute uri for the attributes with conflicts.

For more information, see Validation Error Code 1960.

Note: This change can require data migration for exising tenants. Please discuss it with PM/RM teams. When this work is done, remember to run the Reindex task.

Error Message Cleanse crosswalk source uri is configured as a surrogate crosswalk in entity type type.

Detailed Error Message It isn’t allowed to specify in the surrogateCrosswalks section the crosswalk source system that is used in cleanse for the same entity type.
The surrogate crosswalks section contains the definition for a source type that is used in cleansing.Remove the cleanser source type definition from the surrogate crosswalks section.

Error Message Source type source uri doesn’t exist.

Detailed Error Message The business model for the tenant doesn't have the uri source system that is mentioned in place for type uri.
One of the configuration parts has a reference to a source system that is not defined.Add a definition for the absent source system or remove the reference to it.

Error Message There are multiple definitions of uri in place.

Detailed Error Message Place contains multiple definitions of uri, please remove duplicates
One of the configuration parts has a duplicate definition of some object; for example, the same attribute in the referencedAttributeUris configuration.Remove the duplicates.

Error Message Relation type type is used in multiple referenced attributes for object type.

Detailed Error Message It is forbidden to have the same relation type in great than one referenced attribute. For object type relation type, type is used in attributes.
One of relation types is used great than once in reference attributes for some entity type. One relation type can represent only one reference attribute per type.Remove the duplicated reference attribute, or introduce a new relation type (which can extend the first one with all the fields), and set it to the duplicated reference attribute.

Error Message Sub-reference attribute uri is mentioned in the surrogateCrosswalk section.

Detailed Error Message It is forbidden to use sub-reference attribute for surrogate crosswalks.
The surrogate crosswalks section contains a sub-reference attribute in its attribute list.Remove the sub-reference attribute from the surrogateCrosswalks section.

Error Message Sub-reference attribute uri is mentioned in survivorship mapping for object type.

Detailed Error Message It is forbidden to define survivorship rules for sub-reference attributes.
An attribute mapping for a sub-reference attribute is specified. This mapping is forbidden, because the OV for sub-reference attributes is calculated by rules of the reference attribute's related entity type/relation types.Remove the sub-reference attribute mapping from the configuration.

Error Message Required section name is empty in place for object type.

Detailed Error Message It is required to have the non-empty field name in place.
One of the required fields has an empty list of values; for example, in an attributes list in the surrogateCrosswalks section)Add values to the required list.

Error Message Reference attribute specification for {0} has no referenced entity type URI.

Detailed Error Message Configuration has no reference entity type URI for the reference attribute {0}. Please add the suitable URI using the referencedEntityTypeURI field.

Error Message Relationship type is missed in the {0} reference attribute specification.

Detailed Error Message Configuration has no relationship type URI for the reference attribute {0}. Please add the suitable URI using the relationshipTypeURI field.

Error Message Unknown life cycle action hook name name.

Detailed Error Message Life cycle validation error. The given hook name name isn't valid.
A Life Cycle Group uses an unknown hook name.Change the hook name to an existing one (see more in LCA Hooks).

Error Message Failed to verify the life cycle action.

Detailed Error Message Life cycle action verification failed with an error: error.
The error can occur while verifying the configured LCA.If the details in the message don’t clarify the reason of the error, please contact support.

Error Message Life cycle action name not active on lifecycle server.

Detailed Error Message Life cycle action name isn’t active on the lifecycle server.
You're trying to use an action that is not active on the Lifecycle Service.Mark the lifecycle action as active on the Lifecycle Service, or use another action in the configuration.

Error Message Life cycle action names doesn’t exist on the lifecycle server.

Detailed Error Message Life cycle action with names doesn’t exist on the lifecycle server.
You're trying to use an action that doesn't exist on the Lifecycle Service.Register the lifecycle action with this name on the Lifecycle Service, or use another action in the configuration.

Error Message Unsupported Life cycle response format.

Detailed Error Message Wrong answer from the Amazon Lambda for name action. Make sure that protocol name protocol is proper.
An Lambda Action that is mentioned in an action list resulted in the wrong format answer during its checking at the Amazon Lambda service. It usually means that a user is trying to define a Lambda action as a BinaryJSON instead of the default format or vice versa.Try to change the action name from Lambda/Name to Lambda/BinaryJSON/Name or vice versa (see more in LCA Configuration). If this doesn't help, please contact support.

Error Message Failed to verify the LCA lambda function.

Detailed Error Message LCA lambda function name verification failed with the error.
An error has occurred when a mentioned Lambda Action was checked at the Amazon Lambda service.If the details in the message don't clarify the reason of the error, contact support.

Error Message Life cycle service URI isn’t configured for tenant name.

Detailed Error Message Life cycle service URI isn’t configured for the tenant name.
For using Life Cycle Actions the Lifecycle Service should be registered.Register the URI of the Lifecycle Service in the tenant physical configuration (lifecycleAtionService field).

Error Message Life cycle configured with invalid filter expression value.

Detailed Error Message Parsing of life cycle filter expression value failed with an error.
A filter field inside a Life Cycle Group definition has an incorrect format.Use the correct format of the expression (see more in Conditional Execution of LCA).
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