Unify and manage your data

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What are demos and how-to videos?

Reltio provides a Platform Demo Series that give you a feel for our product and how you can use it. Choose from a variety of short demos, each highlighting a key aspect of our product. And watch at your own pace.

In this Documentation Portal, we provide how-to videos on performing objectives with Reltio Data Cloud products and applications. These videos walk you through a process in the UI, providing a visual alternative to the written step-by-step instructions in procedural topics.

Who are demos and how-to videos for?

This content is curated for these Reltio user roles defined in topic About roles:

Business User Data Product Owner Data Steward Developer Reltio Configurator Solution Architect System Administrator

Why would I use demos and how-to videos?

Check out our platform demo series to see the possibilities our platform provides for unifying and managing your master data.

Watch a how-to video to be guided through a particular task procedure.

When would I use demos and how-to videos?

Both the platform demo series and how-to videos are available whenever you need them.

Where do I find demos and how-to videos?

Find our Platform Demo Series in the Resources section of our Reltio website.

Find how-to videos in Resources sections in this Documentation Portal.