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Object inheritance

Learn about how Reltio software bases the configuration of its metadata on a n-layer model.

Let's look a little deeper here

In our software, each layer inherits configurations from the layer below it. If you’re like most customers, you’ll use a 3-layer model, our default arrangement. Starting with L1, the subsequent layers and the objects within them act as building blocks with each subsequent layer bringing more relatable configurations. The software represents each layer by a JSON file; although, you can make some layer configurations in the Reltio Console.

Who inherits from whom?

Of the three layers, you, as a customer, can access and configure only layer 3 (L3). It’s the layer that’s part of your tenant. L3 typically inherits from the lower L2 layer, the Reltio configured industry-focused layer, which in turn inherits from the lower L1 layer, the Reltio configured industry-agnostic layer. Any object can be defined in any layer. The consolidated configuration you get from the inheritance between the three layers is commonly called the tenant configuration or metadata configuration.

Reltio's metadata configuration consolidates simple, nested, and reference attributes from all the related layers. Values defined in the higher layer override the values from the lower layers. The number of layers does not affect the inheritance.

Extend or override attributes and attribute parameters

If any attributes or attribute parameters in lower layers must be extended or overridden, you set that in the next layer. No need to duplicate all the attributes and parameters from the previous layers.

Take note though that attributes cannot be deleted through inheritance. If an attribute isn’t specified at the next configuration level, it’s not removed. However, you can hide attributes by setting hidden:true.

To change the sub-attributes, you only need to specify those sub-attributes that must be changed. The other sub-attributes are inherited from the lower-level containers.

Note: You must define sub-attribute properties in the configuration or the software uses false values.
Sub-attributes must include:
  • Hidden property

  • Important property

  • System property

  • skipInDataAccess property

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