Unify and manage your data

Autogenerated IDs in an entity

Learn about the unique IDs you can have Reltio automatically generated for simple and nested attributes.

The modifications for auto-generated IDs for reference attributes are described in the subsequent section. The following table describes how UUID and sequential IDs are generated.

Table 1. Parameters
nameyesName of the generator. It must be unique across the environment.
typeyesCan be 'UUID' or 'SEQUENTIAL'.
rangestartnoThe starting value in the sequence. If omitted, the default is 0. Can be applied only to SEQUENTIAL generators.
stepnoThe increment. If omitted, the default is 1. Can be applied only to SEQUENTIAL generators.
uuidversionyes, if type is UUIDThe version of UUIDs. Must be 4 (random UUIDs). Can be applied only to UUID generators.

The feature uses the following properties:

Table 2. Properties
OptionApplies ToDescriptionDefault Value
autoGeneratedAttribute/SourceIf true, the value of attribute/crosswalk will be auto-generated. Use this to enable the feature.False
generateIfEmptyAttributeIf true, the value will be generated only if a value is not sent in the request.
Note: You must send an empty string to generate a value. A null value is not considered empty string and will not generate a value.
generateIfNotEmptyAttributeIf true, the value will be generated even if a value is sent in the request.True
generatedValueUniqueForCrosswalkAttributeIf true, existing value by crosswalk will be reused instead of generating a new one.False
generatorAttribute/sourceThe generator name.None
autoGenerationPatternSimple attribute/source{value} will be substituted by generated value.None
autoGenerationNestedPatternNested attributeUsed to specify auto-generated patterns for sub-attributesNone
uniqueGeneratedValuePerEntityPerRequestEntityIf true, only one value will be generated for all auto-generated attribute/crosswalk values per entity per request.False
Note: New values will be generated only for data provider crosswalks but will not be generated for crosswalks with the dataProvider=false option.

Here is the behavior for the obvious combinations of Boolean settings and the existing data.

generateIfEmpty = True and generatedValueUniqueForCrosswalk= True:
Value was SentValue by Crosswalk ExistsReaction
YesYesReuse existing value.
NoGenerate new value and use it instead of the value that was sent.
NoYesReuse existing value.
NoGenerate new value.
generateIfEmpty = True
Value was SentValue by Crosswalk ExistsReaction
YesDoesn't matterGenerate new value and use it instead of the value that was sent.
NoDoesn't matterGenerate new value.
generatedValueUnique for Crosswalk = True
Value was SentValue by Crosswalk ExistsReaction
YesYesReuse existing value.
NoGenerate new value and use it instead of the value that was sent.
NoDoesn't MatterDon't generate a value.

None (Neither Boolean setting set to True)

Value was SentValue by Crosswalk ExistsReaction
YesDoesn't Matter.Generate new value and use it instead of value that was sent
NoDoesn't MatterDon't generate a value

If you specify the value for any auto generated field in the above table as null, it is treated as not-empty. If you have specified the null value, but also want to auto-generate the value, ensure the generateIfNotEmpty field is true.

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