Unify and manage your data

Validation Constraints for a Tenant

You can define validation constraints for your tenant.

You can add the dataModelerConstraints tenant property to the tenant physical configuration to set up tenant-specific validation rules. The fields of the dataModelerConstraints tenant property are explained in the following table:

Table 1. Fields of the Data Modeler Constraints Property
Field Type Error Code Default Value Description
maxAttributesCount Warning 1800 200 Specifies the number of attributes defined for an entity. The default value is the maximum value supported by Reltio, which should not be exceeded.
maxReferenceAttributesCount Error 1900 20 Specifies the maximum number of reference attributes in a single entity record. The default value is the maximum value supported by Reltio, which should not be exceeded.
maxNestedSubAttributesCount Warning 1805 100 Specifies the maximum number of nested sub-attributes. The default value is the maximum value supported by Reltio, which should not be exceeded.
allowDataTypeOverRiding Error 1905 True Enables/disables data type overriding across verticals
maxRelationshipTypeBetweenTwoEntitiesCount Warning 1806 50 Restricts the number of relationship types between the specified entities. The default value is the maximum value supported by Reltio, which should not be exceeded.
checkForMatchRuleAttrsInSurrogateCrosswalk Error 371 True Checks the rule where all the attributes that are used in the match rule must be defined in the surrogate crosswalk
surrogateKeyRequired Warning 1801 True Ensures that all the entities that are used as reference attributes have surrogate crosswalks
maxNestedAttributesDepth Error 1807 5 Indicates the maximum number of sub-attributes that you can define in a nested attribute. The default value is the maximum value supported by Reltio, which should not be exceeded.
Note: If your business requirement is to create a data model that exceeds these limits, you can contact your Customer Success Manager.
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