Unify and manage your data

Merge SnapLogic data in Reltio

Reltio Merge merges the Reltio entities data for the specified winner/loser entity.

Table 1. Reltio Merge
Field NameDescription
Snap Type:Transform

This Snap merges the Reltio Entities data for a given Winner and Loser entity as mentioned on the Tenant. It provides a potential match between the two entities.

Winner ID describes the Entity ID as a resulting 'survivor' and combines all attributes, crosswalks, roles and tags from the 'losing' entity into it.

Loser ID describes the Entity ID to be merged into the Winner (survivor) object, where an entity corresponds to one of the Reltio Objects.

ETL Transformations & Data Flow

The Snap transforms the existing entities provided as an input into a merged entity.

Input & Output

  • Input: The Input view is optional and is required only to pass the Winner/Loser ID from the upstream Snap or value in that field. Only the fields marked with an asterisk ( * ) are the required inputs; all other fields are optional.
  • Output: Response for this Snap differs based on the operation selected. For potential matches, the Snap provides a 'success' or 'failure' message accordingly. For merging entities, the Snap provides the attributes of the merged entity in the output.Modes



A valid Reltio account with the tenant ID for the Tenant URL, or an API key for the Account Settings to be generated.

The Reltio account must have sufficient access to merge the objects or entities from the Tenant.

Limitations and Known Issues:None at this time.
Configurations:Account & Access

This Snap uses account references created on the Accounts page of SnapLogic Manager to handle access to this endpoint. SeeReltio Account for information on setting up this type of account.


This Snap has exactly one document input view.
This Snap has exactly one document output view.
This Snap has at most one document error view and produces zero or more documents in the view.
Troubleshooting:None at this time.


The name for the Snap. You can modify this to be more specific, especially if you have more than one of the same Snap in your pipeline.

Tenant URL


This determines the Reltio host with tenant ID. Use this format:


The value can be passed directly or through the pipeline parameters, but not through the upstream.

Example: https://sndbx.reltio.com/reltiotest/api/XKerg6bvb178fmuXYr3U7ZrG6/

Default value: https://<your_reltio_host>/reltio/api/<tenant_id>


Specifies the merge operation to be performed. The available options are:

  • Merge Entities: Merges two entities.
  • Potential Match For Entities: Provides a potential match for the entities.

Default value: Merge Entities

Winner ID


Specifies the Winner entity identifier.

This field describes the entity ID as a resulting 'survivor' and combines all the attributes, crosswalks, roles and tags from the 'losing' entity into it.

The value can be passed using the upstream Snap or through the pipeline parameters.

Default value: $winnerID

Loser ID


Specifies the loser entity identifier. This field describes the Entity ID to be merged in the survivor object.

The value can be passed using the upstream Snap or through the pipeline parameters.

Default value: $loserID

Retry limit

The maximum number of times the Snap will attempt to get the response. Reltio uses the exponential back off retry policy only for HTTP Status Codes 502, 503 and 504. Reltio has no retry policy for HTTP Status Codes 401, 403, 404, 500.

The value can be passed using the upstream Snap or through the pipeline parameters.

Default value: 5

Maximum value: 10

Execute during preview

Executes the Snap during a pipeline Save operation. This enables the output view to display preview data.

Default value: Not selected

See the below examples for the basic and advanced use case and typical Snap configurations for the Merge operation.

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