Selecting External Entities for Matching
- Go to the home page.
- Click External Match.
Go to the top-left corner, click the drop-down menu.
The Create new external match job page is displayed.
Enter the Job Name.
For example, add the job name as Newjob1.
From the drop-down menu, select an Entity Type.
For example, HCP, HCO, GPO, and so on.
- Using a local or remote source upload a valid .csv file.
Select the location of the file using one of the following options:
- Local file system
- Amazon S3
The Open dialog box is displayed.
- Go to the destination folder.
Select a .csv file.
Enter the credentials for the source systems mentioned as Amazon S3,
GCS, and SFTP.
This allows you to select a file from the remote file system.
For an Amazon S3 source, enter the credentials.
Enter all the mandatory fields (*) for Amazon S3
Table 1. Amazon S3 Credentials Credentials Description Account Name The Amazon S3 account name. Bucket Name This represents the name of the bucket. For example, us-east-1. AWS Key This represents the AWS Key. It is alphanumeric. AWS Secret This represents the AWS password. It is alphanumeric. S3 file path This represents the directory. S3 file mask This represents the file mask. Select a few files which have a common pattern in the names. Region Information This represents information about the region. Example: us-west-1 -
For an SFTP source, enter the credentials.
Enter the mandatory fields (*) for SFTP Credentials
Table 2. SFTP Credentials Credentials Description Account Name The SFTP account name. SFTP username This represents the username. For example, reltio-dataloader. SFTP password This represents the SFTP password. It is alphanumeric. SFTP host This represents SFTP hosts. SFTP file path This represents the file path. SFTP file mask This represents the file mask. Select a few files which have a common pattern in the names. -
For GCS, enter the credentials.
Enter the mandatory fields (*) for GCS
Table 3. GCS Credentials Credentials Description Account Name The GCS account name. Bucket name This represents the name of the bucket. For example, ap-southeast-1. File path This represents the directory path. It is alphanumeric. File mask This represents the file mask. Select a few files which have a common pattern in the names. Project-ID This represents the Project ID. It is alphanumeric. Project Key This represents the Project Key. Project Key ID This represents the ID. It is a numeric field. Client ID This represents the Client ID. Client Email This represents the Email ID of the client. -
In the next step, map file columns to entity attributes. For more information, see Mapping File Columns to Attributes.