Unify and manage your data

Overview of Workflow Configuration

Instructions for creating a custom workflow process using the UI editor to create and save a BPMN diagram without manually editing the XML file.

Process Definition

A workflow process consists of process elements start/end events, and user/service tasks, gateways linked with connectors flows, thus forming an ordered set of events and handling actions.

To configure a process definition:

  1. Navigate to the Properties > Process tab.
  2. Define the following fields:
    • Id - For example: recommendForDelete
      Note: The process ID should be unique among multiple processes running in the same Reltio environment.
    • Name - For example: recommendForDelete
    • Start Event
    • End Event

Process Configuration

On the process level, you can configure the following properties:

Table 1. Data Objects
Property Type Description
dueDateDelta String Number of days indicating process duration. The property is used by Listener on Create.
manualStart Boolean Indicates if the process instance can be started manually.
objectTypes String Comma-separated list of Reltio object types.
deleted Boolean Indicates if the process definition is deactivated.

Text Annotations and Associations

To configure a process:

  1. Navigate to the Properties > Data Objects tab.
  2. Click the New button.
  3. In the Data property configuration dialog, define the following fields:
    • Id - Example: possibleAssignees
    • Name - Example: possibleAssignees
    • Type - Example: string
    • Value - Example: ROLE_UI_ALL

Task Definition

Task is a process element used in workflow to specify a human activity

User Task Configuration: Listener or a system action Service Task Configuration.

To configure a task definition:

  1. Add a new task element to the diagram work area.
  2. Specify the one of the following task types:
  3. Navigate to the Properties > General tab.
  4. Define the following fields:
    • Id - For example: deleteReview
    • Name - For example: deleteReview
  5. Enable/disable the Asynchronous OFF by default and Exclusive ON by default options.

User Task Configuration: Listener

To configure a listener for a user task:

  1. Navigate to the Properties > Listeners tab.
  2. Click New.
  3. In the Listener configuration dialog, define the following fields:
    • Event - For example: create
    • Type - For example: Java class
    • Fields:
      • Field name
      • String value
      • Expression

Listener on Create

Used to:

  • Determine due date for the process instance using the dueDateDelta property value
  • Assign the task using the round-robin algorithm among possible assignees using the possibleAssignees property value


  • Event: create
  • Type: Java class
  • Implementation: com.reltio.workflow.activiti.service.TaskStartEventListener

User Task Configuration: Form


To configure a Decision form property for a user task:
  • Navigate to the Properties > Form tab.
  • Click New.
  • In the Form property configuration dialog, define the following fields:
    • Id - For example: decision
    • Name - For example: decision
    • Type - For example: enum
    • Default - For example: delete
    • Form values
      • Id - For example: delete, cancel
      • Name - For example: delete, cancel
    • Writable - For example: True
    • Required - For example: True


To configure a Validator form property for a user task:

  1. Navigate to the Properties > Form tab.
  2. Click New.
  3. In the Form property configuration dialog, define the following fields:
    • Id - For example: validator
    • Name - For example: validator
    • Type - For example: string
    • Default - For example: com.reltio.workflow.interfaces.validator.SingleEntityTaskValidator, com.reltio.workflow.interfaces.validator.PotentialMatchTaskValidator
    • Readable - For example: True

Service Task Configuration

To configure a service task:

  1. Navigate to the Properties > Main > config tab.
  2. Define the following fields:
    • Class name - For example: com.reltio.workflow.activiti.service.Delete, com.reltio.workflow.activiti.service.NotAMatch, com.reltio.workflow.activiti.service.Merge

Gateway definition

Gateways are used to fork and join flows inside a process. For example, if there are two possible decisions Delete and Cancel, two flows will link one exclusive gateway to two service tasks (or to a service task and an end event).

Flow definition

Flows are used to link process elements. For example, a user task and a service task, a gateway and a service task, a gateway and an end event, and so on.

To configure a flow:

  1. Navigate to the Properties > General tab.
  2. Define the following fields:
    • Id - For example: cancel
    • Name - For example: cancel

Flow configuration

To configure a flow:

  1. Navigate to the Properties > Main config tab.
  2. Define the following field: Condition - For example: ${decision=='cancel'}

XML View

As an alternative to the Diagram View with visualized process elements, Activiti Designer provides XML View where process elements and their properties can be viewed/edited as regular XML formatted content.

To open a process diagram in XML View:

  1. In Activiti Explorer, right-click the process diagram.
  2. In the popup menu, select Open With > XML Editor.

Exporting Workflow diagram

To export a workflow diagram to a file:

  1. In XML View, navigate to File > Save As....
  2. Specify destination and file name according to the following mask: *.bpmn20.dita.

Required Permissions

Workflow Adapter has role-based permissions for operations, and you can assign any Reltio role to any API endpoint of Workflow Adapter. For details on the API operations and required permissions, refer Reltio Permissions Framework. For details on the Workflow operations, refer Workflow API.


  • List of Reltio roles are to be configured against each of these permissions.
  • Task execution (making a decision) can be done only by the assignee of the task.