Unify and manage your data

Configure custom workflows

Learn how to configure custom workflows.

Customize workflows to add extra tasks and decision points to the standard workflows that Reltio provides, such as Data Change Requests (DCR).

To get started with managing your custom workflows, you'll need access to a dedicated Bitbucket repository. If you don't have one set up yet, here's what you need to do:

  • Contact Reltio Support to initiate the creation of a new repository, see topic Contact a supportive person.
  • Specify which tenants require workflow register/unregister permissions
  • List the users who need access to the repository.
Follow these steps to configure custom workflows:
  1. Develop Custom Workflows:
    1. Clone the repository to your local environment.
    2. Develop your custom workflow logic within your preferred IDE and commit changes to your Bitbucket repository branch.
    3. Use the Custom workflow review checklist.
  2. Create pull requests:
    1. Once your development is complete, create a pull request for merging your changes to the master branch.
    2. Ensure your code meets all predefined standards and requirements as automated checks will validate your pull request.
  3. Review the code.
    • The automatic code review helps you modify your code based on validations, and fix it before submitting a new pull request for merging the changes.
    • All pull requests are automatically assigned to default reviewers from Reltio. At least one approval is required to merge changes into the master. You can communicate with them directly through the comments in the pull request.
  4. Check automated Build and Deployment.
    Note: Upon merging the pull request, an automated pipeline triggers to build a JAR file from your code. The pipeline automatically uploads the built JAR file to your designated AWS S3 bucket under Reltio's management.
  5. Access the built JAR file.
    Once the JAR file has been uploaded to the S3 bucket, you'll receive an email notification where you can view and access it via a newly provisioned UI for registering the JAR file with your tenant.
    1. Use the provided API or the registration button on the UI to register the JAR file with your tenant. For more information, see topic Overview of JAR files .
  6. Activate your custom workflow.
    After a successful registration, your tenant begins to use the custom code encapsulated in the newly registered JAR file. Your custom workflow is now active and operational within your Reltio tenant environment.
    • Repository and S3 Bucket Ownership: Reltio owns and manages both the Bitbucket repository and the AWS S3 bucket. However, Reltio grants user access to the Bitbucket repository for the purpose of managing and deploying your custom workflows.
    • Support and Assistance: If you encounter any issues during any stage of this process, contact Reltio Support for guidance and assistance.