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Exporting Activity Log Data

Exporting Activity Log Data API exports all activity logs and uploads a CSV or a JSON file to the appropriate storage.

The API exports activity logs and sends a link to the exported data (if post-processing is enabled and the partSize parameter was not specified) or a link to the Export Console UI page (in the other cases) to your email address.

Note: Details about S3, GCS, or an Azure destination file for export are explained. For more information, see Storing Export Results.

By default, the Activity Log Export API returns results for the last four months. To retrieve data for a different time range, specify the filter query parameter for timestamp. For example, by using the filter=gt(timestamp,1560800276000) query, all activities from June 17, 2019, 7:37:56 PM are returned. The value of the timestamp must be specified in milliseconds.

Retention and searching using the activity log data is governed by Quotas and Limits. For more information, see Quota and limits.
Note: Some things to remember when you search/export activity log data:
  • Some activity log events have attributes based on entities' URI. Export Service supports different output formats for such attributes. For more information, see CSV Output Format for Exported Activities.
  • As a best practice, we recommend that you specify the time period filter when searching or exporting the activity log data.


POST {{ExportServiceURL}}/export/{{tenant}}/activities

See Table 1: Query Parameters to find out the list of optional query parameters that allow you to use additional options in the export or change default behavior of the export.

Table 1. Query Parameters



Information about authentication access token in the format of Bearer <accessToken> (see details in Authentication API).


Should be Content-Type:application/json.
Custom S3/GCS/Azure DestinationNoA custom S3/GCS/Azure destination, where export results must be saved. See Store export results for more information.
BodyNoJSON object containing parameters for filtering the exported entities.
QueryemailNoThis parameter indicates the comma-separated list of custom email addresses to which the notification is sent after the export is completed. If the parameter is not specified, the Export Service notifies the Reltio user who submitted the export request.
distributedNoThis parameter is applied only for Export Version 1. If set to true, then the export task is divided into parts that can be executed in parallel on different nodes. If not specified, then one task is created. The default value is false.
taskPartsCountNoThis parameter is applied only for Export Version 1. It indicates the number of distributed task parts. This parameter is used only when the distributed parameter is set to true. If not specified, then auto-calculated number of tasks are created.
partSizeNoThis parameter indicates a human-readable part size. The Export Service splits result files depending on this setting. Enables activities filtering by a condition. For more information, see Filtering activities.
filterNoThis parameter indicates a filter condition to filter activity log items. The format is the same as that for the ActivityLogRecordsSearch request. For more information, see Filtering activities.
dateFormatNoThis parameter indicates the format of the date and time attribute values (in CSV export only).
The possible values are:
  • TIMESTAMP - considered as the default value
skipPostprocessingNoDuring data extraction, the Export Service generates multiple smaller in size, partial files that contain Export results.

If this parameter is enabled, the Export Service returns links to these files as the result, and the partSize parameter is ignored.

Otherwise, the Export Service combines the partial files into one or several files depending on the partSize parameter and returns links to the combined files as the result. The default value is false for Export Version 1 and true for Export Version 2.
nameNoThis parameter indicates a name of the export task displayed in the task status. The name is also used by the Export UI. For more information see Naming an Export Job.
Custom S3/GCS/Azure DestinationNoA custom S3/GCS/Azure destination, where export results must be saved. See Store export results for more information.
filenameTemplateNoThis parameter enables you to specify a filename template, which generates resultant output filenames when the configured export version is Export V2. For more information, see Naming Output Files.
fileFormatNoThe possible values of formats are CSV and JSON. The parameter defines the output format, which must be used for exporting data. The default value is CSV.
Note: Exporting of data to JSON is more efficient compared to exporting the data to CSV file format.

See Table 2: Body Parameters to find the parameter and the corresponding value and value type.

Table 2. Body Parameters
ParameterRequiredValueValue type
filterNoThis parameter enables the filtering of objects by condition.
Note: The query filter parameter has priority and overrides the body filter parameter.

Result of Export Request

The response format is always a JSON object representing the result of the export operation. For more information, see Result of an Export Request.



POST {{ExportServiceURL}}/export/{{TenantId}}/activities Headers: Authorization: Bearer 204938ca-2cf7-44b0-b11a-1b4c59984512 Content-Type: application/json { }


{ "exportType": "ACTIVITY_LOG", "version": "v2", "status": "scheduled", "details": "Export job has been scheduled. Result will be sent to your email: user@example.com", "taskIds": [ "f30e5d99-a57d-46fb-bad0-70b2575fdd26" ] }
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