Naming an Export Job
Provides the ability to set a custom name for an Export job.
This functionality provides the ability to set a custom name for an Export job. In order to set a custom name for an Export job, a requester should pass the name
parameter through query parameters of an Export request. After that, the name of the Export task can be obtained through the name
field, as shown in this example:
All white spaces from the beginning and end of the name
parameter are trimmed.
parameter is 140 characters, and this parameter cannot start or end with non-alphanumeric characters.Here is a list of Export endpoints which support setting of a custom name:
POST {ExportServiceURL}/export/{{tenant}}/entities
POST {ExportServiceURL}/export/{{tenant}}/relations
POST {ExportServiceURL}/export/{{tenant}}/entities/_crosswalksTree
POST {ExportServiceURL}/export/{{tenant}}/activities
In the case a requester doesn't pass the name
parameter for an Export job, the Export Service automatically generates a name for the Export job.
Usage Example
- Start a new Export job with a custom name.
POST /export/Merill/entities?name=custom-name-entities&filter=equals(type, 'configuration/entityTypes/HCO') Body
{ } Response
{ "exportType": "ENTITIES", "status": "scheduled", "details": "Export job has been scheduled. Result will be sent to your email:", "taskIds": [ "41ea9d7d-8999-4c2e-9752-4b8063e08373" ] } - Get the Export task by the id.
GET /tasks/41ea9d7d-8999-4c2e-9752-4b8063e08373 Response
{ "id": "41ea9d7d-8999-4c2e-9752-4b8063e08373", "createdTime": 1510573275489, "createdBy": "", "updatedTime": 1510573275489, "updatedBy": "", "type": "com.reltio.spark.driver.export.local.cassandra.EntitiesCassandraExportTask", "status": "PROCESSING", "name": "custom-name-entities", "createdOnHost": "localhost", "executedOnHost": "localhost", "parallelExecution": false, "nodesGroup": "default", "startTime": "11-13-2017 11.41", "parameters": { "fileFormat": "CSV", "username": "test", "mailAddress": "", "exportPath": "/entities/test/2017/13-Nov-2017", "tenantId": "Merill", "userRoles": "ROLE_ADMIN_TENANT", "queryParams": "{\"filter\":\"equals(type, 'configuration/entityTypes/HCO')\"}", "ovOnly": "true", "exploded": "false", "taskId": "merill_16-41_entities_1", "exportVotes": "false", "exportName": "merill_16-41_entities", "useEsHeadersCollectionExport": "false", "includeType": "[\"configuration/entityTypes/Organization\",\"configuration/entityTypes/Location\",\"configuration/entityTypes/Images\",\"configuration/entityTypes/HCO\",\"configuration/entityTypes/HCP\",\"configuration/entityTypes/Character\",\"configuration/entityTypes/Contact\",\"configuration/entityTypes/POrganization\",\"configuration/entityTypes/Individual\",\"configuration/entityTypes/Party\"]", "dateFormat": "TIMESTAMP", "encryptUrl": "true" }, "currentState": { "statusId": 0, "numberOfProcessedObjects": 0, "numberOfFailedToPublishEvents": 0, "status": "Not started yet..." }, "throughput": 0, "duration": "5m 30s" }