Unify and manage your data

Create and run an export job

Learn to create and run an export job.

Exporting data is useful for analyses and importing into other systems for further processing, for more details see topic Export data using Reltio export service.
  1. In the Hub or in Reltio Console, select Export and then select New Export Job.
  2. Select and filter the data to export.

    The filters enable you to refine your data selection in precise ways.

    Entities example

  3. Select job details such as file format, then select Run.
    • File format options include CSV Flattened, JSON, and CSV Exploded.
      Important: The CSV Exploded file format can result in low export performance and large export files, or failure of the export job. The more values that entities have, the higher the risk. To avoid this risk, we recommend using the CSV Flattened or JSON file formats.
    The job displays on the PENDING list. Track the job using the name you provided.
  4. Once the job displays on the COMPLETED list, download the data export file(s).
    The Export service uploads the data to your tenant's storage and sends you an email with the links to the data.
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