Configure dashboard charts and maps
Learn how to configure charts and maps to display in a Dashboard (Admin).
Dashboards display visualizations that enable Reltio users to analyze their data. Reltio provides a number of predfined charts, and as an administrator, you can customize dashboards with additional charts. You can select charts to display, and specify their size and location in the dashboard. For more information, see Profile Statistics Dashboard navigation.
To configure dashboard charts and maps in the UI Modeler:
- From the menu bar at the top of the Reltio window, click Applications and then select Console.
- In the Console Configuration section, select UI Modeler.
- In the UI Modeler navigation pane, under Dashboard pages select Profile Statistic. Note: You may need to select a tenant before you can view the page.
- Select a chart to add to the dashboard:
- In the details pane on the right side of the page, select the Libraries tab.
- From the General charts section, select the desired chart type and drag and drop it into the middle pane in the location you want it to appear in your dashboard:
- Bar
- Bubble
- Cloud tag
- Custom
- Donut
- Entities by type view
- Filtered entities view
- Line
- Map
- Table
- Treemap
- Define the new chart's properties (displayed properties depend on the selected chart type):
- In the center of the page, click the newly added chart.
- In the Properties tab displayed on the details pane on the right, fill in the fields:
- Chart type
- Title: The title of the chart.
- Data:
- Entity type: The entity whose details you want to display in the chart.
For example, select HCO to view details of Healthcare Organizations.
- Attribute: The attribute whose details you want to display in the chart.
For example, select Country to view a list of HCOs by country. You can also select system workflow attributes such as Name and Assignee.
- Entity type: The entity whose details you want to display in the chart.
- Filters
- Start date: Date parameters to apply to the chart data.
- Filter: Additional filters to apply to the chart data.
Tip:We recommend you do not use sub-attributes from the same nested attribute as filters, which you have already used in the Attribute field of the dashboard projection. Here's an example:
- Style
- No. of bars: The number of bars you want to display in the chart. Note: This field is specific to the Bar chart shown in this example.
- No. of bars: The number of bars you want to display in the chart.
- Sort
- Sort by: The method for sorting chart data (Count is shown in this Bar chart example).
- Descending: Sort the information in descending order, for example, Z-A or 10-0.
- Ascending: Sort data in ascending order, for example, A-Z or 0-10.
- Chart type
- Define new maps on your dashboard to view details about your organization.
Similar to the other facets, you must specify the Title, Entity Type, and Attributes for which you want to view details in the map. You must also specify the following details that are specific to maps:
- Map Type - The type of map you want to use, which can be World Map, USA, or Custom.
- Geo URL - The link to the Topojson file. This field is displayed only if you select the Custom Map Type. This is a mandatory field. If you enter a wrong URL, you are prompted to enter the correct address
- Projection - The type of map projection. For example, geoMercator.
- Geo ID - The property or key from the Topojson file that must be mapped to the location. For example, if the properties in the JSON are {“name”:“United States”, “code”:“US”} and your data is in the form of code (i.e. CA, US etc.), then your Geo ID is code.
- Make your new dashboard charts available to other users:
- On the top right on your Dashboard page, click Publish.
- Select the option to specify the tenant where the dashboard updates must be published:
- Publish: The current tenant.
- Publish As: Another tenant, which you then select from the displayed list.
- Verify your dashboard updates:
- Log in to the tenant.
- Navigate to the updated dashboard.
- At the bottom of the dashboard, ensure your new charts are listed.