Configuring the Potential Matches facet in Dashboard Layout
You can configure the Potential Matches facet in UI Modeler and publish it in your Dashboard.
To configure the Potential Matches facet for your dashboard:
- In Console, select UI Modeler. The UI Modeler page is displayed.
- From the left navigation pane, select Profile Statistic. A list of charts are
displayed in the right pane.
- From the right pane, under Libraries, select the Filtered entities view chart.
- Drag and drop it into the middle pane, in exactly the same location where you want it to appear in your dashboard.
- Click on the Filtered entities view chart. The Properties tab is
displayed in the right pane.
- In the Title field, enter Potential Matches.
- From the Filters drop down, select Potential Matches.
- In the operator drop down, select the search filter operator. For example, select greater than or equals from the drop down list.
- In the new field, enter the value for the search filter criteria. For example, entering 1 here and with the greater than or equals search filter operator selected earlier, would ensure all profiles that have more than 1 potential match are displayed in the Potential Matches facet on the Dashboard.
- Click Publish to publish the changes.