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Recommended Browsers

Reltio recommends using the latest version of Google Chrome.

Table 1. Browser Requirements for Desktop
Browser Recommendations
Mozilla Firefox, most recent stable version Reltio makes every effort to test and support the most recent version of Firefox.
Google Chrome, most recent stable version Google Chrome applies updates automatically; Reltio makes every effort to test and support the most recent version.
Apple Safari, most recent stable version There are no configuration recommendations for Safari.
Microsoft Edge Chromium, most recent stable version There are no configuration recommendations for Microsoft Edge Chromium.
  • For all browsers, enable JavaScript, cookies, and SSL 3.0.
  • Reltio recommends a minimum screen resolution of 1600 x 1024 for the best possible user experience. Screen resolutions smaller than 1600 x 1024 may not display some Reltio features.
  • Some third-party Web browser plug-ins and extensions can interfere with the functionality of Reltio. If you experience malfunctions or inconsistent behavior, disable all the plug-ins and extensions and try again.
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