Unify and manage your data

Edit an Interaction type

Learn how to edit an interaction type in the Data Modeler.

Only available in tenants provisioned for Reltio Customer 360
You may want to make changes to an Interaction type after it is created and saved.
Create interaction types in the Data Modeler.
  1. From the Data Modeler, select Interaction Types from the left menu.
  2. Select the row with the Interaction and select the edit icon in that row.
    Not editable.
    Display Name
    Edit the name that displays in the MDM UI (Hub)
  3. Select the edit icon to make changes to Member Types:
    Member types are the entities involved in an interaction type, representing the key participants of the interaction.
  4. Select Save.
Create and edit interaction type attributes
  1. Select to add attributes to your Interaction types.
  2. Select SAVE to save the member types.
  3. Select SAVE AND ADD ANOTHER to add multiple attributes to the interaction type.
Create more Interactive type attributes
  1. Select an Interaction type (row).
  2. Select + CREATE NEW
    Return to step 5 and repeat until you have added all Interactive type attributes.